Welcome to Petplan’s blog, a space where you can read up on the latest pet-news, find out interesting facts and tips about keeping your pets happy and healthy, and share your views on hot topics.
After the long, dark days of winter, the warm evenings and brightly coloured flowers of spring often can’t come quickly enough – and we’re not the only ones who look forward to this time of year.
Spring also means our cats can get outside, bask in the sun and explore our gardens and beyond.However, with the sun and the flowers comes a few extra risks for your cat. Petplan takes a look at some of the additional issues your cat may face during the spring months…
It's well known that people with pets, on the whole, are healthier and live longer than those without. This is partly because of the stress-busting effect our companion animals have, but also because exposure to them boosts immunity, especially in children. So at what point does close proximity to pets stop being beneficial and start being a bit unsanitary, or even dangerous?
Spring has now sprung - and while April showers and hosepipe bans make easy distractions for pet owners, it's now time to put our four-legged friends' health and happiness first
We are pet specialists and have an unrivaled knowledge of pet health and unlike many other insurers. That's why we've designed our policies to cover as many conditions as possible, and are able to pay 97% of all the claims we receive.