Coronavirus: Latest Petplan Information

As the situation with COVID-19 evolves we remain committed to protecting the nations pets and are continuing to make changes to provide as much support as possible for our customers.

Last edited: 06/12/2024

COVID-19 Latest Updates

Contacting Petplan

As a result of COVID-19 we have had to make some changes to the way we work and are supporting customers in a number of ways online:

  • If you would like to get a quote or buy a policy you can do so online Get a quote . Alternatively you can speak to us via the phone.
  • For existing customers we have lots that you can do yourself online Manage your policy .
  • Use our FAQS to find answers to lots of common questions see all FAQs .
  • If you’re worried about managing your payments and keeping your pet protected, give us a call on 0330 102 6735 to speak about the options available to you.

If you still can't find the answer you need then you can call us Monday to Friday 8-7 or Saturday and Sunday 9-2 on 0330 102 6735. Due to higher demand on Mondays we have long wait times over the phone. If your query is not urgent please call us later in the week.

Making a Claim

Please talk to your vet practice to see if they are able to do this for you or alternatively you can submit your claim online using the link below.

Make a Claim

Coronavirus FAQ’s

We have been making lots of changes to ensure that your pet continues to get the cover they deserve. If you have a question about how your policy might be affected by COVID-19 our FAQ’s explain all the changes we are making to help provide an uninterrupted service.

Am I covered for the cost of telephone/video vet consultations?

Yes, we will cover these costs in the same way as we would cover a face to face vet consultation. This applies whether or not you are in self-isolation. We will also cover the cost of physiotherapy consultations carried out in this way, providing our usual requirements on who can carry out physiotherapy are met. We want to be able to support you and your pet in these difficult times and hope this reassures you that you can continue to get the advice you need from your vet.

Can I still submit my claim?

Yes, despite changes because of COVID-19 we are working hard to continue to receive and pay claims. To allow us to provide the best possible service for you during these challenging times, ask your vet to submit an eClaim to us or alternatively you can submit a claim directly.

If I am hospitalised with COVID-19 will my pet's boarding fees be covered?

Yes, we will pay for the cost of boarding your pet at a licensed boarding establishment or pay £30 a day towards the cost of someone looking after your pet if you are hospitalised for 2 or more consecutive days. This is up to your policy limit which varies depending on the type of policy you chose.

My pet's routine preventative treatment is delayed because of COVID-19 will this affect any claims I make?

If you are unable to get your pet seen for their routine treatment such as vaccinations or a dental examination because of these extreme circumstances providing your vet confirms the delay was due to COVID19 and you get the treatment done up to 6 months after it was originally due we will assess any claims you make as if the treatment was done on time.

When can I call Petplan?

Customer Service: If you have a query regarding an existing dog, cat or rabbit policy, call our customer service centre on 0330 102 6735.

We’re open 8am-7pm Monday to Friday and 9am-2pm Saturday and Sunday.

Sales Team: If you would like to speak to a member of our sales team about buying a policy with us or would like more information about your online quote you can call us on 0330 134 6549.

We're open 8am-7pm Monday to Friday and 9am-2pm Saturday.

Supporting Animal Charities during COVID-19

We work in partnership with the UK's animal charities and have seen first-hand the devastating impact Covid-19 is having on their income and the vital funds needed to support the animals in their care. For over 30 years we have been providing 4 weeks free insurance for rehomed pets and giving 10% of rescue pet premiums back to animal charities. In June, to help support animal charities through the Covid-19 crisis we will be paying over £700,000 in funds that our partners would have received from us in the next 6 months now, in one lump sum, to help them get through the pandemic.

Thanks to the generosity of our customers, the Petplan Charitable Trust has also been able to contribute vital funds to animal charities to help get them through the Covid-19 crisis. £150,000 donated to the Association of Dogs and Cats Home (ADCH) Emergency Coronavirus Appeal and another £50,000 donated to the Covid-19 Equine Rescues Emergency Fund. We work in partnership with 1,200 animal charities across the UK and know this money is desperately needed to ensure they can continue to support the animals in their care.

Charity support img
Cat at the vet

Coronavirus & Vets

At Petplan we work with thousands of vets across the UK and appreciate how important they are to help keep our pets healthy. During these times how they are able to work has been affected, but don’t worry this doesn’t change what you are covered for with us. However, there are some key things to know:

  • In line with advice from the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons some vets may not be carrying out all their usual treatments. Many may be emergency only, some have limited vaccinations and others might be closed completely. It’s best to call your veterinary practice for advice if your pet needs treatment and read the latest RCVS information to understand why they have had to limit their work for safety.
  • If you are unable to get your pet seen for their routine treatment such as vaccinations or a dental examination, because of these extreme circumstances, providing your vet confirms the delay was due to COVID19 and you get the treatment done up to 6 months after it was originally due, we will assess any claims you make as if the treatment was done on time.

Coronavirus Pet Advice

Keeping our pets and families safe during these uncertain times is a priority for us all. Read more about looking after your pet during the COVID-19 outbreak and the support available for you.

How to calm cat anxiety and stress

During these worrying times of COVID-19, everyone’s life is being affected, including your pets. Cats are usually independent creatures so their day to day life should not be overly changed by the current lockdown.

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How to Make Your Dog Happy

Making sure your dog is happy and healthy is one of the most important parts of being a responsible pet owner – and we’re here to show you how easy it can be to keep your furry friend feeling paw-sitive.

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Dog Tricks and Mental Stimulation

Keeping your dog mentally stimulated is an important way of burning off excess energy.

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Dog Stress
Signs of Stress In Dogs

Is your dog acting out of character? Perhaps he seems overly anxious, or even 'depressed'? Clinical animal behaviourist Inga MacKellar shares some of the early signs of stress in dogs to look out for

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Dog Health Check
At Home Dog Health Check

Here, Petplan veterinary expert Brian Faulkner shares his top five checks that you can do at home, whatever your dog's age.

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Scruffy puppy
5 general health checks you can do at home

Petplan veterinary expert Brian Faulkner shares his top five checks that you can do at home to help monitor your cats health and wellbeing.

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