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How to keep cats out of the garden

Want to discourage neighbourhood cats from visiting your garden? Here’s how to keep your outside space feline-free, using cat-safe methods.

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Even if you love cats, you might not want the neighbourhood felines using your garden. From unexpected cat poop in your flower beds to potential fights for territory, it’s useful to know how to keep cats out of your space – so here are some ideas.

How do I keep cats out of the garden?

The first thing to know is that cats are protected by the Animal Welfare Act 2006 and so they have the right to roam. This also means that any deterrent methods you use must be humane and cat-safe.

Methods such as clapping your hands, making a sudden movement or shouting ‘shoo’ is usually enough to discourage any stray cats entering your garden. Do this a few times, and they’ll usually start to think twice about coming in.

If that doesn’t work, try some of the methods below:

Keep cats out of the garden

  • Use strong-smelling fertiliser, like chicken pellets or lion manure.
  • Make sure shrubs are planted close together, making it difficult for cats to get between them.
  • Consider covering flower beds with wood chips, pebbles or other surfaces that aren’t as attractive to cats as bare earth. Prickly leaves like holly are another option.
  • Lay lattice fencing over the ground, and plant shrubs in the gaps.
  • Water any bare earth flowerbeds regularly, as cats don’t usually like walking on wet earth.
  • Use high, boarded fences without any gaps for cats to get through.
  • If cats seem attracted by the birds using your bird feeder, consider moving it somewhere else that’s harder to access.
  • Don’t feed any strange cats – even if they’re friendly. This will just encourage them to keep coming back.
  • Keep outdoor bins tightly closed to discourage any scavenging.
  • As a last resort, use a motion-activated water sprinkler which sprays a short burst of water when a cat (or any other animal) walks by.

Remember, these can also affect your own cat, so think carefully before utilising any methods.

Keep cats out of the garden

Keeping your cat safe

If you live in an area with lots of cats, you might worry about your cat getting hurt. Here are a few tips for keeping them safe, while still allowing them to explore the outdoors.

  • Keep your cat indoors from dusk until dawn. This is when cats are most active, so the likelihood of them meeting another cat in your garden is higher.
  • Before you let your cat out into the garden, do a quick check to see if any other cats are around. If so, shoo them away before letting your cat out.
  • Use a cat flap with a microchip reader, so other cats can’t enter your house.
  • Don’t feed your cat outdoors, as the smell may encourage other cats to come and investigate.
  • Make sure your cat has a litter tray indoors, so they can stay in if they want to.
  • Regularly check your fences and hedges for any holes, fixing them as you find them.

If you think your cat has been in a fight, give them a quick health check at home. If you see any signs of injury, ask your vet for advice. If your cat is insured with Petplan, you can also use our Pet Expert Chat to speak with a veterinary professional, at any time of the day or night, or book an appointment to suit you.

If your cat seems to prefer spending time indoors, consider whether they’d prefer life as an indoor cat. If you build them a catio, they can still spend time outside in the sun and fresh air, but in a safely contained area. 

Keep cats out of the garden

How can I stop cats pooping in my garden?

Cats like to poop on fresh soil, so if you’ve recently weeded your flower beds, you might find they become a magnet for local cats. Luckily, there are a few cat-safe ways to deter them, including:

  • Planting herbs like rosemary, thyme and lavender. Cats typically find these too strong-smelling, so will avoid areas where they’re planted.
  • Using ground cover plants so there’s no areas of bare earth.
  • Sprinkling citrus peel over flower beds.
  • Placing branches or twigs over flower beds.
  • Designating one area of your garden as a toilet area, so any mess is contained in one spot.

Never use methods that could harm local cats, like spikes that cover the ground or tops of fences, toxic essential oils, or poisonous plants. This could result in a fine under the Animal Welfare Act.

How do you keep cats out of your garden? Share your tips and tricks on Petplan’s Facebook page

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