"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"How your dog can help your health",
"intro":"With their endless energy and thirst for adventure, dogs can…",
"meta":"From running with your dog to cycling and wild swimming, explore fun activities to stay active and healthy together.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"A guide to winter walks: exploring UK trails with your dog",
"intro":"Take a winter walk with your dog and explore different…",
"meta":"Are you and your dog ready for walkies? Here’s eight of the best winter walks across the UK, so you can enjoy dog-friendly days out – even when it’s cold.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health dog",
"title":"Do dogs need winter coats?",
"intro":"When the temperatures start to drop, do dogs need a…",
"meta":"Do dogs need coats? Some dogs do! Here’s how to tell if your dog should be wearing a coat, and how to choose the right type.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Do dogs need to eat more in winter?",
"intro":"Do dogs need to eat more in winter? Here’s everything…",
"meta":"Have you noticed an increase in your dog’s appetite as the weather has cooled? Find out how your dog’s eating habits might change in winter.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"How long do dogs live?",
"intro":"If you’re curious about how long dogs live, you can…",
"meta":"How long do dogs live? The answer depends on a wide range of factors such as their breed, health and fitness. Here’s everything you need to know.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"Parasites in dogs",
"intro":"Protecting your dog from parasites isn’t the most enjoyable aspect…",
"meta":"Parasites in dogs are all too common – but knowing what to look out for and how to treat your dog will keep them healthy all year round.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"How to put your dog on a diet",
"intro":"With pet obesity on the rise, making sure your dog…",
"meta":"Get expert advice on everything you need to know if you have an overweight dog – and what to consider before starting a dog diet plan.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Tips for keeping dogs safe during the festive period",
"intro":"Wondering how to keep your pet safe from harm this…",
"meta":"Are real Christmas trees safe for dogs? Find out here, as we reveal dangerous items and seasonal hazards to dogs at Christmas.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"How to calm a dog during a storm",
"intro":"Is your dog afraid of thunder? If you find yourself…",
"meta":"Is your dog afraid of thunder? If you find yourself with a scared dog every time there’s a storm, it can be stressful. Here’s how to help them stay calm.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"adult senior health",
"title":"Fleas on dogs",
"intro":"Fleas are a common problem, but how do dogs get…",
"meta":"Dog fleas are a common external parasite, so it’s important for owners to know how to spot the signs of an infestation. Here’s what you need to know.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior dog health",
"title":"How massaging your dog can improve your bond & help their health",
"intro":"A canine massage is a great bonding opportunity, and a…",
"meta":"From boosting circulation to decreasing stress, dog massage can help your pet in many ways. Here’s how to get started.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior dog health",
"title":"The pros and cons of raw dog food: is a raw diet best?",
"intro":"Is raw food good for dogs, or do the risks…",
"meta":"Is raw food good for dogs, and do the risks outweigh the benefits? Find out what to consider before switching your pet to a dog raw food diet.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young health puppy 8w-12w puppyHealth",
"title":"Puppy teething: what you need to know",
"intro":"Dealing with puppy teething can be a challenge, but knowing…",
"meta":"When do puppies lose their teeth? And when do puppies start teething? Here’s everything you need to know about puppy teething and what to do next.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Signs of poisoning in dogs",
"intro":"Worried your dog has eaten something they shouldn’t have? Discover…",
"meta":"Worried your dog ate chocolate, onions, slug pellets or something else they shouldn’t? Get to know common dog poisoning symptoms – and find out what to do next.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"17 foods poisonous to dogs",
"intro":"You might sometimes be tempted to share a snack with…",
"meta":"If you’re tempted to share a snack with your dog, make sure you’re not giving them anything poisonous. Find out more about foods poisonous to dogs. ",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health youYourPet",
"title":"Allergies in pets: what you need to know about grass and other allergies",
"intro":"Get the lowdown on allergic reactions in dogs and cats,…",
"meta":"Find out more about allergies in cats and allergies in dogs, including environmental allergens such as pollen, parasite saliva allergens and food allergens.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"senior health",
"title":"How to handle common health problems in older dogs",
"intro":"With the help of Petplan vet expert Brian Faulkner, we…",
"meta":"Discover eight of the most common senior dog health issues, including signs to look for and what to do next.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Are dogs colour-blind?",
"intro":"Have you ever wondered if your dog sees things the…",
"meta":"For many years it was thought that dogs only saw in black and white. We now know this isn't true. Read more to find out how your dog really sees the world.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"Senior health",
"title":"When is a dog considered senior and should you switch to senior dog food?",
"intro":"When does an adult dog officially become a senior dog…",
"meta":"Find out everything you need to know about senior dog food, including the age at which a dog is considered senior and when you should switch to senior dog food.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior dog health",
"title":"Overcoming Vet Waiting Room Anxiety",
"intro":"Tips, tricks and advice from Pauline; a Petplan team member…",
"meta":"Tips, tricks and advice from Pauline; a Petplan team member & veterinary nurse with over 30 years’ experience and expertise",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Does neutering change dog behaviour?",
"intro":"Choosing to neuter your dog can feel like a big…",
"meta":"Will neutering or spaying a dog change their behaviour? We answer your commonly-asked questions here.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"How to give your cat or dog their medicine",
"intro":"Many cats and dogs don't like taking medicine, but sometimes…",
"meta":"It can be difficult to give medicine to a cat or dog. Follow our veterinary expert's advice to make the process as fuss-free as possible for you and your pet.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"senior health",
"title":"Five ways to give your senior dog the best care in winter",
"intro":"As your dog ages, their needs change and you may…",
"meta":"Older dogs can feel the cold more. Find out here how to help your senior dog, through diet, exercise, health conditions, staying warm and veterinary checkups.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"The ultimate guide to bloat in dogs",
"intro":"Bloat in dogs is pretty uncommon, but can quickly become…",
"meta":"What is bloat in dogs? Our veterinary expert explains what causes bloat, the key symptoms to look out for and how this condition is treated.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"Summer tips to keep pets safe",
"intro":"Summertime is officially here, so it’s time to get outside…",
"meta":"Summertime is officially here, so it’s time to get outside and enjoy the sun with your cats, dogs and other furry friends. However, as UK temperatures rise, and heatwaves become more common, there are a few things to be aware of to ensure that you and your pet have a fun and safe summertime, whatever the weather.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Heatstroke in dogs: Q&A",
"intro":"We might love the long hot days of summer, but…",
"meta":"What is heatstroke in dogs, and how is it caused? We look at the key signs of heatstroke in dogs, how to avoid it occurring and how to treat it once detected.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"All you need to know about: skin cancer in dogs",
"intro":"The ‘C’ word is always a scary one, but the…",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Why is my dog not drinking water?",
"intro":"If your dog won’t drink water, or is drinking less…",
"meta":"Dog not drinking water? We look at why dogs might refuse water, when to seek veterinary advice and share everyday tips on how to keep a dog hydrated.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"7 signs a dog is in pain",
"intro":"However well you know your pet, it can be tricky…",
"meta":"Some of the key signs a dog is in pain, from excess licking and vocalisation to changes to eating patterns, and how to help your dog once you’ve noticed them.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult health",
"title":"Q&A: How to keep dogs cool in summer",
"intro":"Summer can mean lots of outdoor fun – but high…",
"meta":"Learn how summer heat affects dogs, and how to keep them cool – from managing walks in hot weather to spotting signs of dehydration and cooling your dog down.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Bathing a dog with a skin condition",
"intro":"A good bathing routine can help to manage a range…",
"meta":"What should you know about bathing a dog with a skin condition? Read Petplan’s expert advice.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"How to groom a Cockapoo and other Poodle mixes",
"intro":"Regular grooming will help keep your curly-haired cross in great…",
"meta":"Discover how to groom a Cockapoo, Labradoodle and other Poodle mix dogs, what tools to use, and why grooming curly-haired crossbreeds is so important.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"How to groom your dog at home",
"intro":"Our veterinary expert Brian Faulkner shares his dog grooming tips…",
"meta":"Learn how to groom your dog at home – plus how often to groom them and how to keep their coat in top condition – with our dog-grooming tips and video guide.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"How to tell if your dog is deaf",
"intro":"Hearing loss can be a common problem in older canines…",
"meta":"Discover the signs of deafness in dogs, and find out how to make sure a deaf dog continues to lead an enriching life, with our guide to canine hearing loss.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"5 foods not to feed dogs",
"intro":"While you might sometimes be tempted to share a snack…",
"meta":"Certain foods are poisonous for dogs. Find out what not to feed dogs.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Pyometra in dogs: what to look out for ",
"intro":"Pyometra is an extremely common, yet life-threatening, condition that affects…",
"meta":"Pyometra is a potentially fatal condition that affects unspayed female dogs. Learn about the symptoms and treatment, and how to prevent pyometra.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"What is pyloric stenosis in dogs?",
"intro":"If you’ve never heard of pyloric stenosis, you’re not alone.…",
"meta":"Pyloric stenosis is a rare condition that can occur in dogs. Our veterinary expert explains what causes pyloric stenosis, the symptoms and how it can be treated.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"How much hair should my dog be shedding?",
"intro":"We all love our dogs, but sometimes we don’t love…",
"meta":"Shedding of hair is a natural process for dogs. Find out why dogs shed hair, when hair shedding is a sign of a problem, and which dog breeds are hypoallergenic.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"Essential first aid for your dog",
"intro":"From small injuries to more serious accidents, it’s a good…",
"meta":"How can you help your dog if they have suffered an accident, before taking them to the vet? Find out about first aid for dogs.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"How to do a dog health check",
"intro":"As your dog gets older, you can play your part…",
"meta":"Find out how to carry out a dog health check at home on your ageing pet with advice from Petplan’s veterinary expert.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"obese dog, overweight dog, how to help a dog lose weight, obesity in dogs",
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"How to tell if your dog is overweight and what to do about it.",
"intro":"With pet obesity on the rise, making sure your dog…",
"meta":"How do you know if your dog is overweight or obese – and what should you do about it? Petplan veterinary expert Brian Faulkner explains more.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"12 safe days of Christmas: top tips for looking after your pets during the festive period",
"intro":"The trees are going up, the presents are being wrapped,…",
"meta":"You've decorated your house to your exact specifications, but what about your pets? Petplan takes a look at how to have a pet safe Christmas in your home.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"senior health",
"title":"How to exercise an older dog",
"intro":"Discover everything you need to know about keeping your golden…",
"meta":"How much exercise does a senior dog need, and how can you make sure they get it? Get practical advice on keeping dogs active in later life.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"How to spot signs of stress in dogs",
"intro":"Dogs may feel stressed or anxious for many reasons. Find…",
"meta":"What are the signs of stress in a dog? Find out about what causes stress in dogs, the signs to look out for, and how you can calm a stressed dog.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Can dogs get colds?",
"intro":"Can dogs catch a cold? While winter might bring on…",
"meta":"Can your dog catch a cold? Find out about kennel cough and how it could affect your pet.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"senior health dog",
"title":"How to care for an elderly dog",
"intro":"Petplan veterinary expert Brian Faulkner explains how to keep old…",
"meta":"Find out how to care for an elderly dog and give your ageing pet the best possible quality of life in their senior years.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Can dogs get sunburn? Essential sun safety advice",
"intro":"Just like us, dogs can suffer from the effects of…",
"meta":"Warmer weather can present risks for your dog. Find out how you can avoid sun- and heat-related problems.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"dog health senior brainFaulkner",
"title":"Help! My dog hates the vet",
"intro":"Taking an older dog to the veterinary clinic can be…",
"meta":"Taking an older dog for a veterinary check-up can be stressful, so don’t miss our guide to how to calm your dog at the vet. ",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"dog health dog brainFaulkner",
"title":"Dog eye problems: an owner’s guide",
"intro":"Find out how to spot and treat common issues and…",
"meta":"Find out how to spot and treat dog eye problems and keep their vision in tip-top condition with our guide to canine eye health.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"dog health young adult senior brainFaulkner",
"title":"Cockapoo eye problems: an owner’s guide",
"intro":"Our Cockapoos are naturally prone to certain eye conditions, so…",
"meta":"Cockapoos are prone to conditions such as primary glaucoma and progressive retinal atrophy. Find out more about cockapoo eye problems.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"health brianFaulkner dog young puppy 8w-12w puppyHealth",
"title":"Common puppy illnesses and what to do about them",
"intro":"From creating a new routine to training your puppy, there’s…",
"meta":"There’s a lot to think about when you get a new puppy, not least, the health of your new canine companion. Get the lowdown on common puppy illnesses here. ",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"health brianFaulkner dog young adult senior",
"title":"Babesiosis: symptoms and treatments",
"intro":"Although Babesiosis is rare, it can potentially be severe for…",
"meta":"Petplan vet Brain Faulkner takes a look at the causes, symptoms and treatment of Babesiosis in dogs, and what you can do to prevent infection.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"health dog young adult senior",
"title":"Why do dogs pant?",
"intro":"Panting is a perfectly natural behaviour in dogs. Here we…",
"meta":"Why do dogs pant? And when is canine panting a warning sign of heatstroke or other health issues? Get the facts from Petplan’s veterinary expert.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"health dog young adult senior",
"title":"Why do French Bulldogs pant?",
"intro":"These playful little dogs are a hugely popular breed, but…",
"meta":"Why do French Bulldogs pant so much? And when is it a sign that they need help? Get the facts from Petplan’s veterinary expert.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"health dog young adult senior",
"title":"Cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS) in dogs: what you should know",
"intro":"Petplan’s veterinary expert Brian Faulkner answers some of the most…",
"meta":"Get the facts on cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS) in dogs – also known as canine dementia – including symptoms, causes and how to manage the condition.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"health dog young adult senior",
"title":"Alabama rot and canine illness: what dog owners should know",
"intro":"Petplan veterinary expert Brian Faulkner discusses two very similar –…",
"meta":"Petplan veterinary expert Brian Faulkner discusses two largely unknown conditions that every dog owner needs to be aware of: Alabama rot and seasonal canine illness",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"health young adult senior dog",
"title":"Is your Labrador prone to skin allergies? ",
"intro":"Labrador Retrievers are more likely to develop skin allergies than…",
"meta":"Labradors are more prone to skin allergies than some other breeds. Find out some of the causes and warning signs of skin allergies in Labs.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"health young adult senior dog",
"title":"Skin allergies in dogs: symptoms, causes and treatments",
"intro":"Everything you need to know about spotting a canine skin…",
"meta":"Just like us, our pets can suffer from uncomfortable allergic reactions. Read on to find out more about skin allergies in dogs. ",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"senior young adult dog health",
"title":"Bathing your dog",
"intro":"How do you bathe a dog? And how often do…",
"meta":"Find out how to bathe a dog – and how often dogs need washing – in this guide to keeping your pet clean. ",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"senior dog health",
"title":"Cancer in dogs: your essential guide to the signs, treatment and care",
"intro":"Get the facts about cancer in dogs, including symptoms, possible…",
"meta":"Get the facts about cancer in dogs, including symptoms, possible causes and treatments, with advice from the Petplan veterinary expert.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"senior dog products",
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"Ear infections in dogs: symptoms, causes and treatment",
"intro":"Many dogs will get an ear infection at some point…",
"meta":"Petplan veterinary expert Brian Faulkner explains more about dog ear infections, their symptoms, required treatment and how to prevent any further ear infections.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"Arthritis in dogs: what to look out for and how to help",
"intro":"Is your dog having mobility problems? Here’s everything you need…",
"meta":"Arthritis is the inflammation of one or more joints and is common in both humans and dogs. Petplan veterinary expert Brian Faulkner explains how to recognise the signs and respond.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"petplan advice",
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulknerblog",
"title":"Stories from the surgery: why e-cigarette nicotine is dangerous for cats and dogs",
"intro":"Petplan veterinary expert Brian Faulkner explores the toxic effects that…",
"meta":"E-cigarettes can be extremely hazardous to cats and dogs. Petplan vet Brian Faulkner takes a look at nicotine poisoning and how to help treat your pet.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"Cat Dog",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Houseplants That Are Safe for Cats and Dogs",
"intro":"Find out about some of the best houseplants for cats…",
"meta":"Houseplants are stylish, but are they safe for your pets? Learn how to keep cats and dogs safe with non-toxic houseplants.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"How to keep your dog in shape at any age",
"intro":"Make sure your pet is in peak condition with our…",
"meta":"Make sure your pet is in peak condition with our vet-approved guide to helping them look and feel their best.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"6 dog illnesses that can strike in summer",
"intro":"The warmest months of the year are a great time…",
"meta":"The warmest months of the year are a great time to get outdoors with your dog – but they also put our pets at greater risk of incurring certain health conditions. From seasonal allergies to leptospirosis, Petplan veterinary expert Brian Faulkner explains what to watch out for.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"Is your senior dog’s incontinence a cause for concern?",
"intro":"If your pet can’t control his bladder or bowels, it…",
"meta":"Vet Scott Miller explains why it is not uncommon for female dogs to experience incontinence. ",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"health brianFaulkner 6m-1y puppy puppyGrooming",
"title":"How to groom your puppy",
"intro":"How often you groom your puppy will depend on his…",
"meta":"How often you groom your puppy will depend on his or her coat, but it is an important part of every dog’s routine.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"health brianFaulkner 6m-1y puppy puppyGrooming",
"title":"How to groom your puppy",
"intro":"How often you groom your puppy will depend on his…",
"meta":"How often you groom your puppy will depend on his or her coat, but it is an important part of every dog’s routine.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"How to clean your dog’s teeth",
"intro":"Regularly brushing your dog’s teeth will help keep their gums…",
"meta":"Regularly brushing your dog’s teeth will help keep their gums and teeth clean, contributing to their long-term wellbeing, as well as helping to prevent or fight gum disease.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"Grass seed injuries in dogs: how to prevent them, spot them and treat them",
"intro":"As seasonal nasties, grass seeds can inflict misery on our…",
"meta":"Grass seed injuries can be a common problem for dogs in summer. Find out how to prevent them, spot them and treat them.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"Summer tips to keep dogs safe",
"intro":"Summertime is officially here, so for both you and your…",
"meta":"Summertime is finally here so let Petplan guide you through some summer tips for dogs to ensure that you and your dog have a healthy happy, and safe summer.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"5 famous dogs on the internet",
"intro":"From Instagram’s celebrity canines to the pooches of TikTok, we…",
"meta":"From Instagram’s celebrity canines to the pooches of TikTok, we meet some of the most celebrated dogs online – how many have you heard of? Plus, find out how to make your own pet a dog influencer.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young health brianFaulkner puppy 8w-12w puppyHealth",
"title":"Puppy teething: what you need to know",
"intro":"Dealing with puppy teething can be one of the toughest…",
"meta":"We've pulled together all you need to know on puppy teething. From what it is to how to help your puppy with teething. We look at dental hygiene and what to give your puppy to chew to ease sore gums and prevent them chewing at your furniture.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"health 6m-1y puppy puppyHealth",
"title":"How to give your puppy a health check ",
"intro":"As well as the annual dental check up and booster…",
"meta":"Our veterinary expert teaches us some easy health checks you can do on your puppy to keep them fit and healthy",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"health 6m-1y puppy puppyHealth",
"title":"How to give your puppy a health check ",
"intro":"As well as the annual dental check up and booster…",
"meta":"Our veterinary expert teaches us some easy health checks you can do on your puppy to keep them fit and healthy",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"How to look after a new puppy",
"intro":"The first weeks with a puppy are wonderfully exciting but…",
"meta":"We explore some key things to remember when it comes to feeding and exercising your new family member.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"adult senior health puppy 8w-12w puppyHealth",
"title":"How to calm dog anxiety for a stress-free vet visit",
"intro":"Does the thought of taking your dog to the vet…",
"meta":"Does the thought of taking your dog to the vet fill you with dread? Follow these practical tips to make taking your dog to the vet a calmer experience.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Dog diabetes: what is it, how can you spot the signs, and how can you manage the disease? ",
"intro":"Diabetes can be a daunting prospect for many dog owners,…",
"meta":"What is it dog diabetes, how can you spot the signs, and how can you manage the disease?",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"How much exercise does my dog need?",
"intro":"As our veterinary expert Brian Faulkner explains, exercise is important…",
"meta":"Different breeds require different amounts of exercise, usually varying from one to two hours. We’ve put together a quick and handy guide to see how much exercise some more common breeds need.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"senior behaviour health",
"title":"Behaviour changes in dogs: what to look out for as they age",
"intro":"How do dogs change as they get older? What’s normal…",
"meta":"What’s normal behaviour in an elderly dog, and what’s not? We know it’s not uncommon to see changes in our dogs behaviour as they age. Help your pooch get the best out of life with our expert guide to behaviour changes in older dogs.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"puppy dog",
"categories":"health 3m-6m puppy puppyNutrition",
"title":"What puppies shouldn’t eat",
"intro":"Puppies are naturally curious and will try to eat lots…",
"meta":"There’s a lot to learn when welcoming a new puppy to the family including what they should and shouldn’t eat. From chocolate to avocados, we’ve pulled together a list of some of the key things your puppy should avoid.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"puppy dog",
"categories":"health brianFaulkner puppy 3m-6m puppyHealth",
"title":"Neutering your puppy",
"intro":"As a responsible puppy owner, it’s important to be informed…",
"meta":"To support puppy owners, Petplan’s veterinary expert Brian Faulkner shares everything you need to know when it comes to puppy neutering. From what age is best to how to care for your dog after the procedure.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"puppy dog",
"categories":"young health 6m-1y puppy puppyHealth",
"title":"First aid for puppies",
"intro":"No matter how vigilant you are as caring owners, your…",
"meta":"No matter how vigilant you are as caring owners, your puppy can get into all kinds of scrapes, some of them serious. That’s why a little pet first aid knowledge can be a life saver, literally.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"puppy dog",
"categories":"young health 6m-1y puppy puppyNutrition",
"title":"Puppy feeding tips",
"intro":"There’s plenty of information for feeding young puppies, but what…",
"meta":"It’s important to know how much to feed a puppy, especially whilst they are still growing. We share tips on what to feed your puppy as they grow as well as how to know if your puppy is the right weight.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"puppy dog",
"categories":"health 3m-6m puppy puppyNutrition",
"title":"What puppies shouldn’t eat",
"intro":"Puppies are naturally curious and will try to eat lots…",
"meta":"There’s a lot to learn when welcoming a new puppy to the family including what they should and shouldn’t eat. From chocolate to avocados, we’ve pulled together a list of some of the key things your puppy should avoid.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"puppy dog",
"categories":"health brianFaulkner puppy 3m-6m puppyHealth",
"title":"Neutering your puppy",
"intro":"As a responsible puppy owner, it’s important to be informed…",
"meta":"To support puppy owners, Petplan’s veterinary expert Brian Faulkner shares everything you need to know when it comes to puppy neutering. From what age is best to how to care for your dog after the procedure.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"puppy dog",
"categories":"young health 6m-1y puppy puppyHealth",
"title":"First aid for puppies",
"intro":"No matter how vigilant you are as caring owners, your…",
"meta":"No matter how vigilant you are as caring owners, your puppy can get into all kinds of scrapes, some of them serious. That’s why a little pet first aid knowledge can be a life saver, literally.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"puppy dog",
"categories":"young health 6m-1y puppy puppyNutrition",
"title":"Puppy feeding tips",
"intro":"There’s plenty of information for feeding young puppies, but what…",
"meta":"It’s important to know how much to feed a puppy, especially whilst they are still growing. We share tips on what to feed your puppy as they grow as well as how to know if your puppy is the right weight.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"vaccination injection vaccine jab health",
"categories":"young health brianFaulkner puppy 8w-12w puppyHealth",
"title":"Vaccinating your puppy – everything you need to know",
"intro":"Having your pup vaccinated after it leaves its mother is…",
"meta":"Find out why puppy vaccinations are essential in order to protect your pet against common diseases. Petplan experts explain all you need to know here.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"health brianFaulkner 6m-1y puppy puppyGames&Exercise",
"title":"7 top tips for exercising your puppy",
"intro":"Puppies are little bundles of energy, so it’s important they…",
"meta":"Dog owners, fancy a change from a circuit of the park? Try one of these seven new ways to exercise your dog.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"vaccination injection vaccine jab health",
"categories":"young health brianFaulkner puppy 8w-12w puppyHealth",
"title":"Vaccinating your puppy – everything you need to know",
"intro":"Having your pup vaccinated after it leaves its mother is…",
"meta":"Find out why puppy vaccinations are essential in order to protect your pet against common diseases. Petplan experts explain all you need to know here.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"Dog Cat",
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Caring for your pet during the Coronavirus Outbreak",
"intro":"With increasing concern over the coronavirus (COVID-19), Petplan explores the…",
"meta":"With increasing concern over the coronavirus (COVID-19), Petplan explores the advice given and how to keep your pets safe during this time.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"Is your dog’s poop healthy?",
"intro":"Aside from being something you have to scoop up on…",
"meta":"Picking up your dog’s poo on your walk can just feel like another chore but from mucus in dog poo to struggles to go, these can all be signs about your dog’s health.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Dog Christmas Dinner Recipes",
"intro":"Christmas is a time to treat your furry friends as…",
"meta":"Christmas is a time to treat your furry friends as well as your human ones. Discover fantastic festive dog food recipes for Christmas dinner with Petplan!",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior behaviour healthblog",
"title":"What to Do If Your Dog Is Not Drinking Water",
"intro":"Noticing that your dog isn’t drinking their recommended intake of…",
"meta":"Noticing that your dog isn’t drinking their recommended intake of water can be scary. Discover what to do in this situation with great advice from Petplan!",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"3 fun activities to do with your dog",
"intro":"Our lives often revolve around our four-legged companions, with many…",
"meta":"Our lives often revolve around our four-legged friends, with many owners saying their pet is their best friend. We find out how three dog owners are involving their pets in their hobbies.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Summer tips to keep dogs safe",
"intro":"Summertime is officially here, so for both you and your…",
"meta":"With the rising temperatures and extra time outside, there are a few things to be aware of to ensure that you and your pet have a fun, and safe summer.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"5 common signs of stress in dogs",
"intro":"Is your dog acting out of character? Perhaps he seems…",
"meta":"Is your dog acting out of character? Perhaps he seems overly anxious? Clinical animal behaviourist Inga MacKellar shares some of the early signs of stress in dogs to look out for",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"Tips for better doggy breath",
"intro":"Do you love your dog but could do without the…",
"meta":"Do you love your dog but could do without the bad breath? Petplan veterinary expert Brian Faulkner shares his advice on how to help your canine smell fresher",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"5 home checks you can do with your pet",
"intro":"The time between routine veterinary appointments can sometimes feel rather…",
"meta":"Here are some quick at-home health checks you can do for your dog. Petplan's veterinary expert Brian Faulkner shares his top five checks that can be done at home.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"Cat Dog",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Can cat fleas live on dogs?",
"intro":"Fleas are never pleasant. These parasitic organisms feed off our…",
"meta":"Fleas are never pleasant but with over 2,000 variations it’s important to know which is affecting your pet. Petplan looks at whether cat fleas can live on dogs",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Tips for Fun and Healthy Dog Outings",
"intro":"Exercise and mental stimulation are extremely important to keep your…",
"meta":"Exercise and mental stimulation are extremely important to keep your canine companion happy, but are you making the most out of your daily walk with your dog?",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Dog health - A guide to epilepsy",
"intro":"Epilepsy is a chronic condition that causes repeated seizures, and…",
"meta":"Epilepsy is a chronic condition that causes repeated seizures, and is the most common neurological disorder in dogs. Petplan investigates epilepsy in dogs.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Can DNA testing help to keep your pet healthy?",
"intro":"If your dog is a mixed breed, a DNA test…",
"meta":"Discover the benefits of DNA testing in pets from knowing it's lineage to health history and preventing conditions that certain breeds are prone to.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"adult senior dog communication",
"categories":"adult senior health",
"title":"What to expect when your dog has cancer",
"intro":"Amazing advances in animal medicine mean that many pets continue…",
"meta":"Helping your dog through chemotherapy might be one of the hardest things pet owner has to face, but preparing yourself well you can make the most out of your dog's life.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"dog care, dog safety",
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"5 spring safety facts",
"intro":"While you and your dog are both sure to welcome…",
"meta":"It’s common for older dogs to slow down and their needs to change as they age. Discover how to keep your senior dog safe and comfortable at home.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Petplan's guide to your dog's health",
"intro":"Discover Petplan's handy pet guide to help you understand your…",
"meta":"Discover Petplan's handy pet guide to help you understand your dogs health. Find useful tips on smells, appetite and exercise and more here.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"Dog health tips from three of the world's oldest dogs",
"intro":"Is there a secret to longevity? The owners of these…",
"meta":"Explore our dog health tips from the owners of some of the world's oldest dogs. Discover how exercise, diet and a balanced lifestyle can help keep older dogs healthy.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Here’s why your dog farts and what you can do about it",
"intro":"You’ve probably heard about a dog that can clear a…",
"meta":"Understand why your dog farts and what you should do if it seems excessive. Frequent flatulence could be a sign of a dietary issue so click here to learn more.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"food poisonous healthy",
"categories":"health brianFaulkner 6m-1y puppy puppyNutrition",
"title":"Poisonous things for dogs",
"intro":"Puppies like to chew all sorts of things given half…",
"meta":"Watch Brian Faulkner demonstrate the signs your puppy may have eaten something they shouldn´t and the risks it may have. Learn about home safety here now.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"health puppy 3m-6m puppyNutrition",
"title":"Puppy Food - 5 Steps for Healthy Eating",
"intro":"Your puppy may look a lot bigger now than in…",
"meta":"Here Petplan nutritionist Marjorie Chandler shares her top tips on some of the healthiest puppy food as well as some suggestions for healthy puppy treats.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"food nutrition diet feeding",
"categories":"senior health",
"title":"Senior Dog Food - When to switch to senior dog food",
"intro":"Why is it that pet food manufacturers make a distinction…",
"meta":"Learn why your senior dog may require a change in pet food as they age. In this section nutritionist Marjorie Chandler explores some of the reasons.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"drinking habits",
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"Changes to drinking habits - How much water should a dog drink a day",
"intro":"There are some things that you may not think to…",
"meta":"Vet Brian Faulkner explains what health problems may be involved if dogs start to drink more or less as they age.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"health 6m-1y puppy puppyHealth",
"title":"Dog Care Guide",
"intro":"Having a new dog in your home brings happiness, as…",
"meta":"Find out how to keep your dog in top condition and set it up for a long and healthy life. The Petplan experts share their advice on dog health here. ",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"teeth dental",
"categories":"health brianFaulkner puppyHealth puppy 3m-6m",
"title":"How to brush Puppy teeth",
"intro":"Brushing your dog’s teeth regularly will help prevent painful dental…",
"meta":"Find out how you can get your puppy used to brushing to ensure your puppy´s teeth and gums stay healthy. Learn more here.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"nutrition food healthy feed eating",
"categories":"health puppy 3m-6m puppyNutrition",
"title":"Puppy Food - 5 Steps for Healthy Eating",
"intro":"Your puppy may look a lot bigger now than in…",
"meta":"Here Petplan nutritionist Marjorie Chandler shares her top tips on some of the healthiest puppy food as well as some suggestions for healthy puppy treats.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"home safety",
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner video",
"title":"Dangerous things for dogs",
"intro":"Dogs like to chew all sorts of things given half…",
"meta":"Watch our useful video to protect your pet from risks in the house. Vet Brian Faulkner reveals what household items may be a threat to your dog´s wellbeing.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"food poisonous healthy",
"categories":"health brianFaulkner 6m-1y puppy puppyNutrition",
"title":"Poisonous things for dogs",
"intro":"Puppies like to chew all sorts of things given half…",
"meta":"Watch Brian Faulkner demonstrate the signs your puppy may have eaten something they shouldn´t and the risks it may have. Learn about home safety here now.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"summer healthcare warm weather",
"categories":"senior health",
"title":"Seven summer healthcare tips for senior dogs",
"intro":"Help your pet enjoy sunny days in safety and comfort…",
"meta":"Find our five top summer healthcare tips for senior dogs and help protect your furry friend and enjoy sunny days in safety and comfort.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"diet food nutrition",
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Dog´s Diet - What to feed dogs",
"intro":"Whether you own a picky Pug or a ravenous Rottweiler,…",
"meta":"Worried your dog is a greedy gobbler, or too much of a picky pooch? Find out all you need to know about your dog´s diet to ensure maximum health.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"illnesses instinct",
"categories":"senior health",
"title":"Dog health - three reasons to trust your instincts",
"intro":"Going with your gut feeling can be crucial when it…",
"meta":"Going with your gut feeling can be crucial when it comes to your dog’s health – especially as he gets older. Read more to find out why.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"health check-up senior",
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner video",
"title":"Dog Health Check",
"intro":"As well as the annual dental checkup and booster vaccinations…",
"meta":"Learn how you can play a part in your dog´s health by carrying out regular health checks. The faster a problem is identified, the faster it can be treated.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"fleas sting parasite bite",
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Preventing and treating bites and stings",
"intro":"Summertime means longer days and more time spent outdoors on…",
"meta":"Discover advice on how to treat dog fleas or how to care for your dog if they get stung by a bee. Read more here to keep your pet healthy and protected.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"activity monitor exercise health",
"categories":"adult senior health",
"title":"Can an activity monitor help keep your dog healthy?",
"intro":"Exercise is one of the best ways to ensure your…",
"meta":"Find out whether a dog activity monitor could help you keep track of your dog´s health and fitness. Read Nina May´s review of the PitPat activity monitor here.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"health check-up",
"categories":"health 6m-1y puppy puppyHealth",
"title":"Dog Care Guide",
"intro":"Having a new dog in your home brings happiness, as…",
"meta":"Find out how to keep your dog in top condition and set it up for a long and healthy life. The Petplan experts share their advice on dog health here. ",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"dog health weight obese",
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"A healthy weight - Is my dog obese?",
"intro":"Keep track of the healthy weight for your pet by…",
"meta":"Keep track of the healthy weight for your pet by watching the body-conditioning scoring video.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"How to get rid of parasites in puppies",
"intro":"Parasite problems can be experienced even when your dog is…",
"meta":"Petplan experts discuss the most common types of parasites in puppies including fleas, ticks, worms and mites. Click here to find out more",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulknerblog",
"title":"Stories from the surgery: why dog owners need to be aware of snake bites",
"intro":"Petplan vet Brian Faulkner has once again taken time out…",
"meta":"Petplan vet Brian Faulkner tells us about a case of a dog receiving a snake bite. Although adder bites are rare, here’s what you need to know about them...",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Why does my dog poo that way? Toilet habits explained",
"intro":"Your dog's toilet habits may not be your favourite subject,…",
"meta":"Find out what causes unusual dog poo habits and discover the top warning signs you should be looking out for. Click here to find out more.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"senior healthblog",
"title":"The Secret Life of Pets: Pops may be old, but that doesn’t stop his adventures! How to ensure senior dogs, like Pops, stay happy and healthy ",
"intro":"If you think you know what your pet gets up…",
"meta":"The Secret Life of Pets' Pops may be a wise head, but he still has many of the health concerns all older dogs have. Here's how you can look after your dog",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"senior health brianFaulknerblog",
"title":"Stories from the surgery: treating cataracts and Lenticular Sclerosis in dogs",
"intro":"Petplan vet Brian Faulkner has once again taken time out…",
"meta":"Petplan vet Brian Faulkner has once again taken time to tell us all about some of the strange, funny and sometimes difficult cases he encounters in his surgery.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"medication Cat advice Dog Advice",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"How to give your cat or dog their medicine",
"intro":"Many cats and dogs dislike taking medicine - but if…",
"meta":"Petplan looks at the best ways to give your dog or cat their medicine - either with food or without, or liquid or tablet",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"poison cats dogs autumn",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"How to keep your pets safe and healthy during autumn",
"intro":"Autumn can be a great time of year – the…",
"meta":"Autumn brings lots of problems for pet owners. See the things you need to consider to keep your cat, dog or smaller pets safe from poisons and other issues",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"cats dogs Injured dogs",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Animal In Distress | How To Help Injured Cats Injured cats and dogs: what to do if you find an animal in distress Dogs",
"intro":"Finding a sick or injured cat or dog can be…",
"meta":"Helping an injured or sick animal isn't a straightforward course of action. Petplan looks at what you should do if you come across a cat or dog in distress",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"cats dogs",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Pet Pedicure | How To Take Care of Cat or Dogs Feet ",
"intro":"The way cats and dogs scamper over concrete, grass and…",
"meta":"Looking after your pet's paws is a vital part of their care. Petplan looks at the things you should do to keep your cat or dog's feet in perfect condition",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health youYourPet",
"title":"Alternatives to dog walking: different activities to keep your dog fit and healthy",
"intro":"The warm weather and long evenings of the summer months…",
"meta":"Dog walking is an important part of many dogs' fitness routines - but there are alternatives. Petplan looks at some different exercises your pet can do",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"senior dog vet check-up adult",
"categories":"senior health",
"title":"7 signs your senior dog needs a vet check up",
"intro":"As your dog gets older, subtle changes in their health…",
"meta":"Discover simple ways to keep your dog healthy as they grow older as Petplan detail important signs that indicate your senior dog is in need of a vet check-up.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"dog guide pests grooming adult senior",
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner video",
"title":"Your Guide To Common Pests on Dogs",
"intro":"Do you know which parasites are most likely to affect…",
"meta":"Petplan explores which parasites are most likely to affect your four-legged canine friends in this handy dog guide to common pests. Read more here.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"puppy teeth care",
"categories":"health brianFaulkner puppy 3m-6m puppyHealth",
"title":"Puppy dental care guide",
"intro":"How should you choose the right products to keep your…",
"meta":"Discover Petplan's useful guide filled with expert tips on choosing the right dental products for your puppy's teeth and gum health here.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"puppy teeth care",
"categories":"health brianFaulkner puppy 3m-6m puppyHealth",
"title":"Puppy dental care guide",
"intro":"How should you choose the right products to keep your…",
"meta":"Discover Petplan's useful guide filled with expert tips on choosing the right dental products for your puppy's teeth and gum health here.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"dysplasia puppy health",
"categories":"health puppy 3m-6m customerStory",
"title":"How a puppy’s health check-up saved his legs",
"intro":"When Alice Ruel noticed that her Labrador puppy, Sherwood, wasn’t…",
"meta":"Alice tells Petplan a true story about how a check-up saved her puppy's legs after learning he had developed dysplasia. Read about her puppy health scare here.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"dog allergy Pet allergies Cat allergies",
"title":"Pet allergies: why some people are allergic to cats and dogs and how to treat it",
"intro":"Many pet owners will be familiar with the particular problems…",
"meta":"Being allergic to cats and dogs can be very distressing for pet lovers. Petplan looks at the causes, symptoms and potential cures of pet allergies in humans",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"Cat Dog Diet",
"categories":"health kitten 6m-1y kittenHealthblog",
"title":"How to keep your pet in prime condition",
"intro":"In Britain, around two-thirds of us are classified as either…",
"meta":"In Britain, around two-thirds of us are classified as either overweight or obese and now, it seems, half of our pets are overweight too.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"cat pet handling dog handling ticks lymes disease infections allergies tips health cats dogs",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Debate: Do pets pose a significant hygiene risk?",
"intro":"When it comes to hygiene, pet owners are a varied…",
"meta":"Join Petplan's debate! Do pets pose a significant hygiene risk? Sophie Mackenzie looks at the science behind pets and hygiene and shares the findings.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"cat pet diet dog rabbit eating vomiting pet insurance puppy food poo toileting obesity dehydration tips treats weight gain fat intolerance stomach",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Weight gain and upset tummies – what to do",
"intro":"Eating unusual foods or too many treats can be harmful…",
"meta":"Eating too many treats can be harmful to your pet. Vet and writer Alison Logan explains what to do if your pet has gained weight or is suffering from an upset tummy.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"cat dog diet teeth tooth-brushing bad breath gums dental oral",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"How to keep your pet's teeth and gums healthy",
"intro":"June is Dental Care Month, and many veterinary practices across…",
"meta":"June is Dental Care Month, and many veterinary practices across the country are joining in by offering free dental health checks for pets. Vet Marc Abraham offers some tips for keeping pets' mouths in tip-top condition Many pets show signs of gum disease as early as four years old due to a combination of the wrong diet, a lack of access to decent chew toys, few or no visits to their vet for check-ups, and minimal proper oral care... ",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"cat dog rabbit pet relationships behaviour emotions",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Do pets really have emotions? ",
"intro":"It's hard to tell how our pets are feeling. Do…",
"meta":"It's hard to tell how our pets are feeling. Do they feel emotions as complex as ours? Or are we overly attentive to how they feel? Deirdre Vine investigates. From the new issue of PetPeople magazine",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"dog infections mange hair loss itching scabies",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"How to treat mange in your dog",
"intro":"Our second post from vet Marc Abraham looks at mange:…",
"meta":"Get some tips and advice from vet Marc Abraham on some common pet diseases that are expensive to fix, what causes this, how it affects dogs and what can be done about it.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"cat dog rabbit infections teeth skin smell fur ear infection bad breath flyblown cat bite abscess",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Does your pet smell? Here's what to do",
"intro":"If your pet smells bad, you need to identify the…",
"meta":"Get top tips from PetPeople magazine vet Alison Logan on why your pet smells bad, how to identify the source of the odour and what to do to sort it out.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"cat dog fleas tips",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Are fleas messing up your life? Here's what to do",
"intro":"Flea infestations can happen even in the most spotless home…",
"meta":"Flea infestations can happen even in the most spotless home or on the healthiest, cleanest pet. Find out how to take control of this unavoidable and irritating aspect of pet ownership.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"cat dog tips hints clipping claws nails",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"How to clip your pet's nails",
"intro":"Nail-clipping is one of the chores most detested by pets…",
"meta":"Nail-clipping is one of the chores most detested by pets and their owners. Here are a few practical hints for improving your technique from PetPeople magazine's resident vet, Scott Miller",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"cat dog diet rabbit eating food pet food",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Can't eat, won't eat? Why your pet may be off its food",
"intro":"Julie Hunt reports on what steps to take when your…",
"meta":"Julie Hunt reports on what steps to take when your beloved pet starts refusing its food. ",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"dog blood donor donate pet blood bank",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"How Pet Blood Bank UK is saving dogs' lives",
"intro":"Deirdre Vine tells the story of the country's first blood…",
"meta":"Deirdre Vine tells the story of the country’s first blood bank for pets - and explains how you and your dog can contribute. From the PetPeople magazine archive.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"water hydration dehydration",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Hydration: what every pet owner should know",
"intro":"Water is vital to your pet's health, so it's important…",
"meta":"Is your pet dehydrated? Discover the problems with your pet not drinking enough water and what other signs should you, as a pet owner need to look out for.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"dog breeds dalmatian",
"categories":"young adult senior behaviour healthblog",
"title":"Dalmatians: everything you need to know, right here ",
"intro":"Dalmatians are not the best choice for first-time dog owners…",
"meta":"Dalmatians are not recommended for first-time dog owners. They are for people with an interest in training. Here is everything you need to know before buying a Dalmatian.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"senior dog products",
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"A step-by-step guide on what to do during an epileptic seizure",
"intro":"It can be very frightening to witness your dog having…",
"meta":"Do you want to feel more confident when your dog having a seizure? Here, Petplan veterinary expert Brian Faulkner shares his advice on what to do.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"senior dog products",
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"How I de-stressed my epileptic dog’s home environment",
"intro":"When her three-year-old Weimaraner, Baxter, was diagnosed with epilepsy, Stef…",
"meta":"When their dog was diagnosed with epilepsy, they had to completely change the way they lived. Here, they share their tips on caring a dog with epilepsy.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"senior dog products",
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"A step-by-step guide to safely giving your dog ear drops",
"intro":"If your dog has otitis, you will be all too…",
"meta":"Petplan veterinary expert Brian Faulkner shares his top tips for putting ear drop in a dog as easy as possible.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"senior dog products",
"categories":"adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"How to spot a flare-up of your dog’s hip dysplasia",
"intro":"Petplan veterinary expert Brian Faulkner shares his tips on noticing…",
"meta":"Petplan veterinary expert Brian Faulkner talks us through the signs of dysplasia. He shares his tips on noticing flare-ups in the joints and how to help keep your dog healthy.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"senior dog products",
"categories":"adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"A step-by-step guide to low-impact dog games",
"intro":"Life doesn’t have to be boring for your dog after…",
"meta":"Life doesn't have to be boring for your dog after an injury. Here are some ideas from Petplan veterinary expert Brian Faulkner for low-impact games you can play with your pet.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"senior dog products",
"categories":"young adult senior health claims-content",
"title":"How we manage our dog’s skin condition",
"intro":"Despite being only seven, mongrel Ben has been living with…",
"meta":"Mongrel Ben has been living with a skin condition for most of his life. Here’s how his owners, Eunice and her husband, are managing his diagnosis, so he can live life to the full.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"senior dog",
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"5 ways to spot if your dog’s arthritis is progressing",
"intro":"The signs of your dog’s arthritis progressing can be easy…",
"meta":"The signs of your dog’s arthritis progressing can be easy to miss, so we’ve asked Petplan veterinary expert Brian Faulkner to share five symptoms to watch out for.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"senior dog products",
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"How to adapt your home for a dog with arthritis",
"intro":"Dogs with arthritis can often still go on to live…",
"meta":"Dogs with arthritis can often still go on to live a full and active life. To help your dog be as comfortable as possible, see our advice for an arthritis-friendly home.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"dog ear wax hygiene",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"How to keep your dog's ears healthy ",
"intro":"Q: Some days we can hear the liquid in the…",
"meta":"The best way to avoid infection is to regularly clean your dog's ears using ear cleansers from your vet. Discover from Petplan some tips on how to keep your dog's ears healthy.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"dog eyes infection weeping",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Does your dog have weepy eyes?",
"intro":"Q: My five-year-old Springer Spaniel is prone to weepy eyes.…",
"meta":"Petplan looks at why your dog may have weeping eyes and how you can help.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"cat dog pet pet relationships allergy allergies",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"How to make your pet allergy a thing of the past",
"intro":"Your new pet has arrived and is just starting to…",
"meta":"Are you allergic to your pet? Petplan examines the options for people allergic to their pets. From the PetPeople magazine archive.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"cat dog pet diet weight loss",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Six simple steps to a balanced diet ",
"intro":"A balanced diet is essential for good health and an…",
"meta":"A balanced diet is essential for good health and an energetic pet. But what exactly is meant by a balanced diet?",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"ticks lymes disease",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Lyme's disease: what is it, and why is it dangerous?",
"intro":"Q: Our Border Collie has been limping and the vet…",
"meta":"Vet Scott Miller discusses on Lyme's disease caught from a tick, why is it dangerous, symptoms, how they can be effectively treated and what can done to stop it happening again.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""