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Travelling with a puppy

Taking your puppy away with you can make a trip complete – but forgetting something vital can cause real issues! We’ve compiled a list of travel items that are essential if you’re taking your puppy with you on your break. Whether you’re camping or heading for a pet-friendly hotel, within the UK or abroad, these are the things you shouldn’t leave home without.

Collar and ID

Get an extra ID disc made up with your holiday address and contact telephone number, just in case your puppy becomes separated from you while you’re away. A microchip is an essential and knowing your puppy has been chipped will also provide reassurance when travelling.


Check that the stitching is sound and take a spare one in case you misplace or lose it.


If you’re on a driving holiday, a harness, boot-guard or dog crate is essential. Taking a puppy on a plane usually requires a special travel kennel. You can find out more information about flying with pets on airlines’ websites.


Bringing your own puppy’s bedding is a good idea, the familiarity and his own scent will help him settle into an unfamiliar place.


Pack plenty so you can dry off a wet, muddy coat and paws before taking your puppy indoors.

Food and bowl

Take enough for the duration of your stay, as you may not be able to buy any further supplies of your puppy’s usual food, and sudden changes can cause tummy upsets.

Travel water bottle

Handy for keeping in the car, there are no mishaps if it gets tipped over and it can double up as a water bowl in your room.

Poo bags, lint roller, kitchen roll

Clearing up after your puppy is essential, so be prepared for the inevitable as well as any stray fur or little accidents.

First aid kit

It’s always sensible to have at least a basic first aid kit with you. Don´t forget to include any ongoing medication to cover the holiday period. Some owners take along calming remedies, such as pheromone sprays or homeopathic remedies, to help with their puppy’s motion sickness and the stress that comes along with travelling.

Recent photo

If your puppy does get lost, a good photo could be invaluable in helping you find them.


If you’re taking your puppy abroad, make sure you have all the correct documentation with you, including your pet insurance documents. For animals travelling in an EU country, you should get a pet passport. If you’re visiting a non-EU listed country or territory, you’ll need to obtain an official third country veterinary certificate. The regulations do change from time to time, so always consult Defra for the latest information about travelling abroad with your puppy.

Before you travel, remember to check and follow any current Covid-19 restrictions that may apply to your local area or the area you plan to travel to.

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