"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet",
"title":"How to have a safe and fun Christmas with your rabbit",
"intro":"Christmas is fun for us – but your rabbits might…",
"meta":"Discover everything you need to know about rabbits at Christmas, from which presents they might enjoy to keeping them safe – and the foods to avoid.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet",
"title":"Five great Christmas presents for your rabbit",
"intro":"The festive period is a great time to give our…",
"meta":"Looking for inspiration for the perfect Christmas gift for your bunny? From boredom-busting toys to tasty treats, discover our top five gifts for rabbits here.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet",
"title":"Rabbits and children: how to help them bond",
"intro":"Do rabbits make good pets for children? And can you…",
"meta":"Are rabbits the best pets for children? They can be, as long as you teach kids how to look after rabbits properly! Our age-appropriate guide explains how.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet",
"title":"7 famous fictional rabbits",
"intro":"Is the Easter Bunny the most famous rabbit in the…",
"meta":"From the Easter Bunny to Bugs, we've rounded up seven of the most famous rabbits from literature and film. Which one does your pet have most in common with?",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet",
"title":"A guide to the Dwarf Lop, Netherland Dwarf, Sussex and other popular rabbit breeds",
"intro":"Are you wondering, what rabbit breed is best for me?…",
"meta":"What is the best rabbit breed for a pet? Read our guide to different rabbit breeds, to help you pick the perfect pet!",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet",
"title":"The Petplan Christmas rabbit quiz",
"intro":"How much do you know about rabbits? Test your general…",
"meta":"Test your bunny knowledge with our fun, multiple-choice rabbit quiz.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet brianFaulkner",
"title":"Can you let house rabbits out in the garden?",
"intro":"As the days get longer and the nights get lighter,…",
"meta":"Should you let your house rabbits into your garden during the warmer months? Find out what you need to know.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet brianFaulkner nickJones",
"title":"Myths and facts about rabbits",
"intro":"With the help of pet behaviourist Nick Jones and veterinary…",
"meta":"Find out the truth about some of the most common rabbit facts and myths with this expert advice",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"youYourPet rabbit young adult senior",
"title":"Setting up an indoor rabbit hutch ",
"intro":"Not only does an indoor hutch keep your rabbits closer…",
"meta":"If you’ve always wanted a rabbit but don’t have a garden, why not try an indoor rabbit hutch? Find out how to safely set up an indoor rabbit hutch.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"youYourPet young adult senior",
"title":"Everything you need to know about rabbits",
"intro":"Find out more about looking after bunnies by following our…",
"meta":"Find out everything you need to know about caring for rabbits, whether you’re an existing owner or about to buy some. Our A-Z list suggests 26 things to look out for and features tips for keeping them happy.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Obese rabbits",
"intro":"Obesity in rabbits can lead to health issues, so it’s…",
"meta":"Obesity in rabbits can lead to health issues, so it’s important to know your bunnies’ weight. Here’s how to check if they’re obese or underweight.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"title":"How to keep rabbits cool in summer",
"intro":"Looking for ideas on how to keep rabbits cool? Here’s…",
"meta":"Rabbits don’t handle heat very well. Here’s everything you need to know about how to keep rabbits cool during hotter summer days.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"How to keep rabbits warm in winter",
"intro":"As we head into the colder months, it’s time to…",
"meta":"Wondering how to keep rabbits warm during the winter? Find out everything you need to know about preparing your rabbits – and their home – for cold weather.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"What to feed your rabbit at Christmas",
"intro":"If you want to treat your rabbits over Christmas, here’s…",
"meta":"Thinking about making Christmas dinner for your rabbits? Here’s how to keep your bunnies well-fed, happy and safe this festive season.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"What to feed rabbits",
"intro":"Keep common health issues at bay by learning how to…",
"meta":"What can rabbits eat? Learn how to give your bunny the best rabbit diet in our article.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"How to train a rabbit and improve bonding",
"intro":"Rabbits are sociable and enjoy spending time with their owners.…",
"meta":"Rabbits are social creatures and can even be trained to hop over to you when called. Discover rabbit training techniques and find out how to bond with your rabbit.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Everything you need to know about myxomatosis",
"intro":"Myxomatosis is a viral infection transmitted to rabbits by insects…",
"meta":"Myxomatosis is a serious disease that can affect rabbits. Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to reduce the risk of your pet rabbits contracting it.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Rabbit illnesses to watch out for in winter",
"intro":"When it’s colder outside and we begin to hit the…",
"meta":"Can your bunny get sick? Find out here if your rabbit can catch a cold, how to spot them, and how to keep your rabbit safe and healthy during the colder months.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"A guide to maintaining a healthy weight for rabbits",
"intro":"Keeping an eye on your rabbits’ weight is an essential…",
"meta":"A healthy weight is essential to rabbit wellbeing. Find out the ideal weight for rabbits and how to tell if your bunnies are obese or underweight.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Rabbit grooming and care tips for summer",
"intro":"When the weather warms up, rabbits need some extra attention…",
"meta":"Rabbit grooming is particularly important in summer, when rabbits shed their winter coats. Here’s how to put together a rabbit grooming kit and use it properly.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Rabbit ear mites and infections",
"intro":"Find out more about how to treat rabbit ear infections…",
"meta":"Rabbits’ ears are one of their most loveable features, but they are also prone to infection. Find out how to keep your bunnies safe by reading our handy guide.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Your ultimate guide to gastrointestinal stasis in rabbits",
"intro":"Gastrointestinal (GI) stasis, where food stops moving through the gastrointestinal…",
"meta":"Our essential guide to the causes, symptoms and treatment for gastrointestinal stasis in rabbits, and how to prevent this potentially dangerous condition.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"rabbit behaviour young adult senior brainFaulkner",
"title":"Rabbit body language",
"intro":"Rabbits might be quiet, but they're full of personality –…",
"meta":"Rabbits might be quiet, but they're full of personality — if you know what to look for. Discover how to decode rabbit body language here.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior behaviour",
"title":"Everything you need to know about socialising rabbits",
"intro":"Rabbits are social animals, so they should always be kept…",
"meta":"Rabbits should always be kept in pairs or more – but how should you introduce rabbits to make sure they get along? Here’s all you need to know about socialising rabbits.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior behaviour",
"title":"Why do rabbits…? Your behaviour questions answered",
"intro":"Do you want to understand your rabbit’s behaviour? Here, we…",
"meta":"Why do rabbits thump? Why do rabbits lick you? Here, we delve into common rabbit behaviours and answer some of the most frequent questions asked by rabbit owners.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior behaviour",
"title":"How to control food aggression in rabbits",
"intro":"Have your normally friendly bunnies suddenly become possessive of their…",
"meta":"Rabbits can sometimes become aggressive around their food because it’s so important to them. But how can owners handle this problem? Read our expert advice.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior behaviour",
"title":"3 rabbit behaviour problems solved",
"intro":"Your rabbits’ behaviour can offer important insights into their emotional…",
"meta":"Sometimes bunny behaviour can be baffling to their owners! Petplan decodes three common rabbit behaviour problems: overeating, chewing and defensiveness.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"behaviour adult senior",
"title":"How to deal with rabbit aggression towards humans",
"intro":"Rabbits can sometimes display aggressive or territorial behaviour. It is…",
"meta":"What causes rabbits to become aggressive and how can you deal with the problem? Read our expert advice.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior behaviour",
"title":"Why is my rabbit pulling their fur out?",
"intro":"Rabbit owners may naturally feel concerned if they see their…",
"meta":"Fur pulling is a frequently seen behaviour in rabbits. Find out when it is a cause for concern and what can be done about it.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior behaviour brianFaulkner",
"title":"Why do rabbits eat their own faeces?",
"intro":"You may have noticed your rabbits eating their faeces and…",
"meta":"Have you noticed your rabbits eating faeces and questioned whether this is normal? The truth is that it's not just normal, but vital to your rabbits’ health.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"senior young adult rabbit behaviour",
"title":"Fearful bunny behaviours explained ",
"intro":"Rabbits in the wild survive by avoiding predators, and your…",
"meta":"What are the signs that your rabbits are feeling scared or anxious? Find out what to look out for and how you can help your rabbits overcome their fears. ",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior behaviourblog",
"title":"A guide to understanding your rabbit’s behaviour",
"intro":"Rabbits are one of the nation’s most beloved pets, their…",
"meta":"Rabbits have their own unique personalities. We have broken down some of the key behaviours that tell you what your rabbit might be saying. Read more here.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior behaviour",
"title":"3 rabbit behaviour problems solved",
"intro":"No matter how well you know your bunnies, you’re bound…",
"meta":"Animal behaviourist Rosie Bescoby shares the answers to frequently asked rabbit behaviour questions, and gives tips for tackling tricky situations.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"Dog Cat Rabbit",
"categories":"young adult senior behaviour nickJonesblog",
"title":"How to plan ahead and make Bonfire Night fireworks more bearable for your cat, dog, or rabbit",
"intro":"As autumn draws closer to an end and the shorter…",
"meta":"As autumn draws closer to an end and the shorter winter days start to settle in, fireworks provide some much-needed levity to beat the cold weather blues.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
Did you know that you’re more likely to claim on your pet insurance than your car or home policy? Unfortunately, rabbits are just as susceptible to illness and injury as we are – in fact, 90% of the claims Petplan pays out are for illness, rather than accident. Insurance can help you ensure your cat gets the best care possible.
Can Petplan pay my vet directly? How does this work?
Yes we can pay your vet directly if they are happy to receive payment in this way. In most cases, your vet can submit an eclaim which is the fastest way to get the information to us. This means you won't be out of pocket and they'll even submit the claim on your behalf.
If you check with your vet and they can’t submit an eclaim, please use our online form to submit your claim. You can still select whether we should pay your vet or reimburse the policyholder if you have already made payment.
When should I get rabbit insurance?
As early as possible! Rabbits can get ill or injured at any time so it’s important to make sure you have cover in place to help you cover the cost of any veterinary treatment needed. Policies do not usually cover pre-existing conditions so if your rabbit already has a skin condition when you insure them you would need to continue to pay for treating this. If however you had insured them with Petplan before they developed a skin condition this would have been covered.
Yes we do. You can read our Customer Stories from existing dog, cat and rabbit policyholders. We also have
Customer Reviews which are collected by Trustpilot.
Does Petplan work with any charities?
Our caring for pets goes beyond providing dog insurance, cat insurance and rabbit insurance. As 'the pet people' we are passionate about animal welfare and the principle of responsible pet ownership. We support
many charities and have set up
Petplan Charitable Trust, which has so far raised over £8 million towards a better, healthier world for animals.
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Obese rabbits",
"intro":"Obesity in rabbits can lead to health issues, so it’s…",
"meta":"Obesity in rabbits can lead to health issues, so it’s important to know your bunnies’ weight. Here’s how to check if they’re obese or underweight.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"rabbit behaviour young adult senior brainFaulkner",
"title":"Rabbit body language",
"intro":"Rabbits might be quiet, but they're full of personality –…",
"meta":"Rabbits might be quiet, but they're full of personality — if you know what to look for. Discover how to decode rabbit body language here.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"title":"How to keep rabbits cool in summer",
"intro":"Looking for ideas on how to keep rabbits cool? Here’s…",
"meta":"Rabbits don’t handle heat very well. Here’s everything you need to know about how to keep rabbits cool during hotter summer days.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior behaviour",
"title":"Everything you need to know about socialising rabbits",
"intro":"Rabbits are social animals, so they should always be kept…",
"meta":"Rabbits should always be kept in pairs or more – but how should you introduce rabbits to make sure they get along? Here’s all you need to know about socialising rabbits.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"What to feed your rabbit at Christmas",
"intro":"If you want to treat your rabbits over Christmas, here’s…",
"meta":"Thinking about making Christmas dinner for your rabbits? Here’s how to keep your bunnies well-fed, happy and safe this festive season.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"How to keep rabbits warm in winter",
"intro":"As we head into the colder months, it’s time to…",
"meta":"Wondering how to keep rabbits warm during the winter? Find out everything you need to know about preparing your rabbits – and their home – for cold weather.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet",
"title":"How to have a safe and fun Christmas with your rabbit",
"intro":"Christmas is fun for us – but your rabbits might…",
"meta":"Discover everything you need to know about rabbits at Christmas, from which presents they might enjoy to keeping them safe – and the foods to avoid.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"What to feed rabbits",
"intro":"Keep common health issues at bay by learning how to…",
"meta":"What can rabbits eat? Learn how to give your bunny the best rabbit diet in our article.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"How to train a rabbit and improve bonding",
"intro":"Rabbits are sociable and enjoy spending time with their owners.…",
"meta":"Rabbits are social creatures and can even be trained to hop over to you when called. Discover rabbit training techniques and find out how to bond with your rabbit.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior behaviour",
"title":"Why do rabbits…? Your behaviour questions answered",
"intro":"Do you want to understand your rabbit’s behaviour? Here, we…",
"meta":"Why do rabbits thump? Why do rabbits lick you? Here, we delve into common rabbit behaviours and answer some of the most frequent questions asked by rabbit owners.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Everything you need to know about myxomatosis",
"intro":"Myxomatosis is a viral infection transmitted to rabbits by insects…",
"meta":"Myxomatosis is a serious disease that can affect rabbits. Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to reduce the risk of your pet rabbits contracting it.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"title":"How to care for a rabbit as they get older",
"intro":"How can you help your rabbit thrive as they get…",
"meta":"Are you a responsible dog walker? Here’s what you need to know about making your walks safer and more enjoyable.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet",
"title":"Five great Christmas presents for your rabbit",
"intro":"The festive period is a great time to give our…",
"meta":"Looking for inspiration for the perfect Christmas gift for your bunny? From boredom-busting toys to tasty treats, discover our top five gifts for rabbits here.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Rabbit illnesses to watch out for in winter",
"intro":"When it’s colder outside and we begin to hit the…",
"meta":"Can your bunny get sick? Find out here if your rabbit can catch a cold, how to spot them, and how to keep your rabbit safe and healthy during the colder months.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior behaviour",
"title":"Why is my rabbit pulling their fur out?",
"intro":"Rabbit owners may naturally feel concerned if they see their…",
"meta":"Fur pulling is a frequently seen behaviour in rabbits. Find out when it is a cause for concern and what can be done about it.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"A guide to maintaining a healthy weight for rabbits",
"intro":"Keeping an eye on your rabbits’ weight is an essential…",
"meta":"A healthy weight is essential to rabbit wellbeing. Find out the ideal weight for rabbits and how to tell if your bunnies are obese or underweight.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"behaviour adult senior",
"title":"How to deal with rabbit aggression towards humans",
"intro":"Rabbits can sometimes display aggressive or territorial behaviour. It is…",
"meta":"What causes rabbits to become aggressive and how can you deal with the problem? Read our expert advice.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior behaviour",
"title":"3 rabbit behaviour problems solved",
"intro":"Your rabbits’ behaviour can offer important insights into their emotional…",
"meta":"Sometimes bunny behaviour can be baffling to their owners! Petplan decodes three common rabbit behaviour problems: overeating, chewing and defensiveness.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior behaviour",
"title":"How to control food aggression in rabbits",
"intro":"Have your normally friendly bunnies suddenly become possessive of their…",
"meta":"Rabbits can sometimes become aggressive around their food because it’s so important to them. But how can owners handle this problem? Read our expert advice.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet",
"title":"Rabbits and children: how to help them bond",
"intro":"Do rabbits make good pets for children? And can you…",
"meta":"Are rabbits the best pets for children? They can be, as long as you teach kids how to look after rabbits properly! Our age-appropriate guide explains how.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Rabbit grooming and care tips for summer",
"intro":"When the weather warms up, rabbits need some extra attention…",
"meta":"Rabbit grooming is particularly important in summer, when rabbits shed their winter coats. Here’s how to put together a rabbit grooming kit and use it properly.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"title":"Petplan Pet Awards",
"intro":"Over the past few months have been inundated with nominations…",
"meta":"Over the past few months have been inundated with nominations for pets across the nation and we've seen so many pets who do just that.",
"listingcustombuttontext": "Find out more"
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Rabbit ear mites and infections",
"intro":"Find out more about how to treat rabbit ear infections…",
"meta":"Rabbits’ ears are one of their most loveable features, but they are also prone to infection. Find out how to keep your bunnies safe by reading our handy guide.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet",
"title":"7 famous fictional rabbits",
"intro":"Is the Easter Bunny the most famous rabbit in the…",
"meta":"From the Easter Bunny to Bugs, we've rounded up seven of the most famous rabbits from literature and film. Which one does your pet have most in common with?",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Your ultimate guide to gastrointestinal stasis in rabbits",
"intro":"Gastrointestinal (GI) stasis, where food stops moving through the gastrointestinal…",
"meta":"Our essential guide to the causes, symptoms and treatment for gastrointestinal stasis in rabbits, and how to prevent this potentially dangerous condition.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Is my rabbit bored?",
"intro":"Rabbits are playful, sociable and full of fun. But without…",
"meta":"Rabbits are social animals that need mental stimulation and like to stay active. Read our guide to stop your rabbit from getting bored.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet",
"title":"A guide to the Dwarf Lop, Netherland Dwarf, Sussex and other popular rabbit breeds",
"intro":"Are you wondering, what rabbit breed is best for me?…",
"meta":"What is the best rabbit breed for a pet? Read our guide to different rabbit breeds, to help you pick the perfect pet!",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Viral Haemorrhagic Disease in rabbits",
"intro":"Rabbit Viral Haemorrhagic Disease (RVHD) is a fatal illness that…",
"meta":"Rabbit Viral Haemorrhagic Disease is a serious illness that affects rabbits. Find out about the causes and symptoms of RVHD and how to keep your rabbits safe.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet",
"title":"The Petplan Christmas rabbit quiz",
"intro":"How much do you know about rabbits? Test your general…",
"meta":"Test your bunny knowledge with our fun, multiple-choice rabbit quiz.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"What can you feed your rabbit at Christmas?",
"intro":"Which rabbit-friendly foods should you keep to one side so…",
"meta":"Read about which Christmas foods are poisonous to rabbits and which are safe for them to eat.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet brianFaulkner",
"title":"Can you let house rabbits out in the garden?",
"intro":"As the days get longer and the nights get lighter,…",
"meta":"Should you let your house rabbits into your garden during the warmer months? Find out what you need to know.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"All about rabbit grooming and moulting",
"intro":"When you have pet rabbits, you will notice that they…",
"meta":"Discover everything you need to know about rabbits and moulting. Get tips and advice on how to groom your pet rabbits.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior behaviour brianFaulkner",
"title":"Why do rabbits eat their own faeces?",
"intro":"You may have noticed your rabbits eating their faeces and…",
"meta":"Have you noticed your rabbits eating faeces and questioned whether this is normal? The truth is that it's not just normal, but vital to your rabbits’ health.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet brianFaulkner nickJones",
"title":"Myths and facts about rabbits",
"intro":"With the help of pet behaviourist Nick Jones and veterinary…",
"meta":"Find out the truth about some of the most common rabbit facts and myths with this expert advice",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"youYourPet rabbit young adult senior",
"title":"Setting up an indoor rabbit hutch ",
"intro":"Not only does an indoor hutch keep your rabbits closer…",
"meta":"If you’ve always wanted a rabbit but don’t have a garden, why not try an indoor rabbit hutch? Find out how to safely set up an indoor rabbit hutch.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"health rabbit young adult senior",
"title":"5 spring hazards for rabbits",
"intro":"From chocolate to grass cuttings, what are the main dangers…",
"meta":"Spring can be a dangerous time for rabbits. Find out about some key spring hazards and how to protect your rabbits from them.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"senior young adult rabbit behaviour",
"title":"Fearful bunny behaviours explained ",
"intro":"Rabbits in the wild survive by avoiding predators, and your…",
"meta":"What are the signs that your rabbits are feeling scared or anxious? Find out what to look out for and how you can help your rabbits overcome their fears. ",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"youYourPet young adult senior",
"title":"Everything you need to know about rabbits",
"intro":"Find out more about looking after bunnies by following our…",
"meta":"Find out everything you need to know about caring for rabbits, whether you’re an existing owner or about to buy some. Our A-Z list suggests 26 things to look out for and features tips for keeping them happy.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"rabbit health",
"title":"Rabbits with overgrown teeth: what you should know",
"intro":"Problems with your rabbits’ teeth are often part and parcel…",
"meta":"Do your rabbits suffer from overgrown teeth? Read our crucial insight and guidance for managing rabbit teeth.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"Rabbit Health",
"categories":"rabbit health",
"title":"A guide to rabbit pregnancy",
"intro":"How can you tell if your rabbit is pregnant? Find…",
"meta":"Have you heard the expression ‘to breed like rabbits’? Rabbits are infamous for the speed at which they breed. Find out more about rabbit pregnancy here.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet",
"title":"How to litter train your rabbits",
"intro":"With some essential equipment – and a good dose of…",
"meta":"Regardless of whether your rabbits are kept inside or out, there are some factors that are non-negotiable. Read our top tips on rabbit care.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet",
"title":"Is it better to have indoor or outdoor rabbits?",
"intro":"Rabbits can thrive both inside and out – as long…",
"meta":"Regardless of whether your rabbits are kept inside or out, there are some factors that are non-negotiable. Read our top tips on rabbit care.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"Christmas health",
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet",
"title":"Rabbits at Christmas: 3 recipes for homemade treats",
"intro":"Flex your creative skills and share the Christmas cheer with…",
"meta":"Treat your furry friends to some delicious homemade rabbit treats. These delicious and nutritious recipes are perfect for the festive season.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet",
"title":"We’ll never know exactly what happened – how my rabbit overcame a broken leg",
"intro":"In this real-life story, rabbit owner James McManus from Surrey…",
"meta":"It’s a worrying time when our pets are injured. Here, one rabbit owner shares the story of his rabbits recovery from a broken leg and how she is now jumping for joy.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"Rabbit health: a guide to fly strike",
"intro":"While we might love the long hot days of summer,…",
"meta":"Petplan's Kath Stathers looks at the danger of fly strike in rabbits. Visit our guide for advice on symptoms, treatment and how to prevent fly strike!",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet",
"title":"Wild versus domesticated – what’s the difference?",
"intro":"At first glance, our pet rabbits look pretty similar to…",
"meta":"At first glance, our pet rabbits look pretty similar to their wild cousins. But what’s the reality? We explore the difference between them and why wild rabbits shouldn’t be kept as pets.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"4 steps to healthy teeth for rabbits",
"intro":"Rabbits are prone to dental issues, but it’s often easy…",
"meta":"Here’s how you can maintain your rabbits’ dental health and spot the symptoms when there’s a problem.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet",
"title":"Why is there an Easter Bunny?",
"intro":"As a rabbit lover, you might be wondering about the…",
"meta":"As you look forward to Easter, spare a thought for the Easter Bunny. But where did the mysterious figure come from? Sophie Mackenzie looks into the origins.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"7 rabbit health checks to do at home",
"intro":"Rabbits don’t like to show when they’re feeling under the…",
"meta":"Rabbits don’t like to show when they’re feeling under the weather, so how can you tell if your bunny is really healthy and happy? Do your own check-ups in-between vet visits by following our simple, seven-step checklist.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet brianFaulkner",
"title":"Against the odds: how my rabbit defeated E cuniculi",
"intro":"Ashley, a Dwarf Lop, battled his way back from a…",
"meta":"How a Petplan insured Dwarf Lop, battled his way back from a severe parasitic infection with the support of his vet and is now able to wander round the garden again with his devoted companion.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"Cat Dog Rabbit",
"title":"Pet Travel to Europe After Brexit",
"intro":"Find the latest details on traveling to the EU with…",
"meta":"Find the latest details on traveling to the EU with your pet after Brexit. We’ve addressed your questions regarding how Brexit may affect your Petplan pet insurance.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet",
"title":"Rescuing rabbits: what you need to know",
"intro":"Rehoming a bunny is a major long-term commitment. We talk…",
"meta":"Rehoming a bunny is a major long-term commitment. We talk to the Rabbit Welfare Association & Fund to get the facts about adopting rabbits from a shelter.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Does your rabbit seem subdued?",
"intro":"Bunnies’ behaviour can change for a number of reasons. What…",
"meta":"Bunnies’ behaviour can change for a number of reasons. We take a look at how to spot the signs your rabbit might be feeling down and what could be causing this.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Winter care for rabbits: a practical checklist",
"intro":"How can you keep your bunny comfortable, happy and safe…",
"meta":"How do outdoor pets like rabbits cope when it's cold outside? Petplan takes a look at how you can ensure your rabbit is prepared for winter.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"The ultimate guide to healthy rabbits ",
"intro":"Healthy, happy rabbits need plenty of space to run around…",
"meta":"We share some useful tips on keeping your bunnies bouncing with good health.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Rabbit care tips for healthy eyes",
"intro":"Your rabbits' eyes are windows to their wellbeing. Here are…",
"meta":"Keeping your rabbit eyes healthy is very important. Our vet expert outlines common eye conditions and how to ensure your rabbits’ eyes stay healthly.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"lifestyle adult senior",
"title":"Foraging for your bunny - how to make DIY toys and treats",
"intro":"Pet rabbits love natural, foraged treats and toys, but it…",
"meta":"Rabbits in the wild are great at foraging. But when we need to do it for them, it’s important to know what’s safe and what’s not in order to make DIY treats and toys.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"adult senior",
"title":"5 things I’ve learnt from my house bunny",
"intro":"Bringing your bunnies inside can be a source of joy…",
"meta":"Having a house rabbit can be a lot of fun, but it’s not without its learnings. These owners share their tips and experiences of sharing their home with bunnies.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"lifestyle adult senior",
"title":"Beat bunny boredom with a homemade bunny maze",
"intro":"It’s important to keep your rabbits entertained to avoid boredom.…",
"meta":"It’s important to keep your rabbits entertained to avoid boredom. We look at how to kit out their run with a homemade rabbit maze to keep them active whilst having fun.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"lifestyle adult senior cat",
"title":"Festive gifts and homemade treats for your rabbit",
"intro":"It’s almost that time of year again… Christmas. And, in…",
"meta":"Whether you want to create some homemade goodies or head out to the shops, our quick guide to the best gifts you can buy – and creative ideas for DIY rabbit treats.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet",
"title":"Homemade treats for rabbits on Halloween",
"intro":"With Halloween just around the corner, why not get creative…",
"meta":"With Halloween just around the corner, why not get creative and conjure up some spookily themed treats for your rabbits?",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPetblog",
"title":"Pet Photography Tips",
"intro":"Pet photography can be a difficult exercise. Learn with Petplan…",
"meta":"Pet photography can be a difficult exercise. Learn with Petplan how to take a perfect shot of your pet!",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Things you need to know about your rabbit’s rear end",
"intro":"Your rabbits' rear end may not be the cuddliest part…",
"meta":"It's important to keep a close eye on your rabbit's backside as part of good general health care. Veterinary surgeon Catherine Thomas gives the bottom line on what to look out for.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"Dog Cat Rabbit",
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPetblog",
"title":"Most Popular Pets In The UK",
"intro":"The UK has a well documented reputation of being one…",
"meta":"The UK has a well documented reputation of being one of the most pet-friendly nations on Earth, but what is the UK’s most popular pet?",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"Behaviourists-corner adult senior",
"title":"5 ways rabbit body language shows your pet loves you",
"intro":"However much love and attention you give your rabbits, it…",
"meta":"How to understand your rabbits' behaviour signs of affection. We asked animal behaviourist Rosie Bescoby for the signs to look out for that show they care.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"lifestyle adult senior rabbit",
"title":"Christmas presents for rabbits",
"intro":"Make the festive season extra special for your rabbits, with…",
"meta":"Make the festive season extra special for your rabbits, with luxury Christmas presents and treatments that you can recreate at home.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"image":"images/thumbs/mixed-sizes/RABBIT-DEC18 Warm-hutch.jpg",
"categories":"lifestyle adult senior rabbit",
"title":"3 ways to keep rabbits warm in winter",
"intro":"We asked three experts for their top tips on keeping…",
"meta":"We asked three experts for their top tips on keeping your rabbits warm and well throughout the colder months. Read on for their recommendations.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPetblog",
"title":"How to involve your pets in the Christmas festivities",
"intro":"Christmas is a fun-filled time of year. With all the…",
"meta":"Christmas is a fun-filled time of year. Petplan explores how we can safely involve our pets in our Christmas activities and celebrations.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior behaviourblog",
"title":"A guide to understanding your rabbit’s behaviour",
"intro":"Rabbits are one of the nation’s most beloved pets, their…",
"meta":"Rabbits have their own unique personalities. We have broken down some of the key behaviours that tell you what your rabbit might be saying. Read more here.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"title":"How to prepare your rabbit for winter",
"intro":"As winter draws closer, we spend a lot more time…",
"meta":"As winter draws closer, we spend a lot more time indoors with the central heating on, safe from the wind and rain. But how do outdoor pets like rabbits cope when it’s cold outside? Petplan takes a look at how you can ensure your rabbit is prepared for winter.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior behaviour",
"title":"3 rabbit behaviour problems solved",
"intro":"No matter how well you know your bunnies, you’re bound…",
"meta":"Animal behaviourist Rosie Bescoby shares the answers to frequently asked rabbit behaviour questions, and gives tips for tackling tricky situations.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"Dog Cat Rabbit",
"categories":"young adult senior behaviour nickJonesblog",
"title":"How to plan ahead and make Bonfire Night fireworks more bearable for your cat, dog, or rabbit",
"intro":"As autumn draws closer to an end and the shorter…",
"meta":"As autumn draws closer to an end and the shorter winter days start to settle in, fireworks provide some much-needed levity to beat the cold weather blues.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"7 rabbit vaccination myths busted",
"intro":"There are many misleading ideas surrounding your bunnies’ jabs. Here,…",
"meta":"Discover the truth behind 7 common misunderstandings people have about rabbit vaccinations. Vet Catherine Thomas explains more here.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet",
"title":"7 tips from a rabbit show winner",
"intro":"Competing in shows can be a lot of fun for…",
"meta":"Find out how to prepare for a rabbit show here by reading Dave Gallagher's top rabbit tips and advice after his bunny won the 2017's championships.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"Rabbit Health Diet",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Rabbit Health A Guide to Maintaining a Healthy Weight",
"intro":"Keeping an eye on your bunny's weight will make sure…",
"meta":"Keeping an eye on your bunny's weight will make sure he doesn’t pile on the pounds or become too thin – both can be a sign of health problems as well as dietary issues.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"weather heat",
"categories":"Vets-corner health",
"title":"6 Ways to Keep Your Rabbits Well in Winter",
"intro":"6 ways to keep your rabbit well this winter",
"meta":"Owner's share their top rabbit care tips. Rabbits in winter require different living conditions and attention. Find first hand bunny care advice here.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"Christmas Dog Cat Rabbit Stories from the surgery",
"categories":"Advice Stories from the surgeryblog",
"title":"Stories from the surgery: keeping your pets safe from Christmas hazards",
"intro":"Each month Petplan vet Brian Faulkner looks at some of…",
"meta":"On the lead up to Christmas, Brian shares insights from his surgery, plus helpful tips to keep the winter months’ fun and safe for pets and their owners…",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"Rabbit Teeth",
"title":"Rabbit Health - How Do I Care for My Rabbit’s Teeth?",
"intro":"Whilst our dentists are satisfied with us brushing and flossing…",
"meta":"Whilst our dentists are satisfied with us brushing and flossing our teeth, rabbits have a much more complex dental system that requires regular care and attention.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"Rabbit Faeces",
"categories":"young adult senior behaviour healthblog",
"title":"Why do rabbits eat their own faeces?",
"intro":"You may have noticed your rabbit eating their faeces and…",
"meta":"You may have noticed your rabbit eating their faeces and naturally questioned whether this is normal. However, it’s not just normal, but vital to your rabbit’s health.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Rabbit eye health - how to look after your bunny’s eyes",
"intro":"It’s simply not enough to give your rabbits carrots to…",
"meta":"It’s simply not enough to give your rabbits carrots to help them see in the dark – their eyes need plenty of care and attention.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"biting nip",
"categories":"young adult senior behaviour",
"title":"Why Rabbits Bite?",
"intro":"Are you the owner of rabbits that occasionally like to…",
"meta":"Discover the different reasons why rabbits bite and learn some useful steps you can take to help in preventing the behaviour. Read here now!",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"head tilt illness",
"categories":"young adult senior health behaviour brianFaulkner",
"title":"What causes head tilt in rabbits?",
"intro":"Head tilt may sound like a cute bunny quirk but,…",
"meta":"Learn all about head tilt in rabbits from Petplan´s vet Brian Faulkner. Here he shares his professional tips and advice on how you should help your rabbit.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulkner",
"title":"Bunny health - common skin conditions",
"intro":"Did you know that your rabbits’ skin and fur can…",
"meta":"Click here to find out what the most common rabbit skin conditions are to ensure you are able to spot the signs that your furry friend may be suffering.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"food diet nutrition feeding health",
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Rabbit Diet and Health",
"intro":"Vets report that four out of five rabbits coming into…",
"meta":"A healthy diet is extremely important for rabbits. Here you can learn how to look after your pet´s digestive, dental and emotional health.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"clean homes clean hutch",
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Cleaner living conditions for your rabbit",
"intro":"Following a few simple guidelines from the Rabbit Welfare Association…",
"meta":"From temperature and ventilation to cleaning up litter and leftover food, here’s how to give your rabbit a healthy home.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"Eye care eyes",
"categories":"Vets-corner rabbit health eyes",
"title":"Rabbit eye problems",
"intro":"Bunnies should always have clear, healthy eyes, but even the…",
"meta":"Expert advice on the causes and signs of common eye problems, plus what you can do to help prevent an infection.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"rabbit care happy healthy",
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Rabbit care guide new owners",
"intro":"Our infographic is full of fun stats, fact and top…",
"meta":"Take a look at our Petplan infographic to find some fun facts, statistics and useful tips for rabbit owners. Learn the essentials about rabbit care now.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"behaviour bonding",
"categories":"young adult senior behaviour",
"title":"How to bond with your rabbit",
"intro":"Rabbits may not be as expressive as cats and dogs,…",
"meta":"Discover Petplan´s guide to understand rabbit behaviour. Find useful bonding tips, techniques and more to help build a stronger relationship with your pet.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"summer healthcare warm weather heat",
"categories":"young adult senior health",
"title":"Help your bunnies beat the heat",
"intro":"As the temperature rises, so does the likelihood of your…",
"meta":"As the temperature rises, so does the likelihood of your rabbits overheating. To help keep your bunnies cool and healthy, here are our best heat-busting tricks.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"noises grunt squeal purr",
"categories":"young adult senior behaviour",
"title":"Do you speak bunny??",
"intro":"Unlike dogs or cats, which make obvious efforts to ‘speak’…",
"meta":"Understand what your pet may be trying to tell you from the various rabbit noises they make. Know when your pet is content, in pain or showing signs of anger.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"Christmas DIY presents gifts",
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet",
"title":"DIY Christmas gifts for your bunnies",
"intro":"Make the festive season special for your rabbits with these…",
"meta":"Make the festive season special for your rabbits with these three safe and easy-to-make Christmas presents, perfect for bunnies.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior behaviour",
"title":"Rabbit toilet habits explained",
"intro":"Your rabbits' toilet habits may not be your favourite subject,…",
"meta":"Learn all about rabbit toilet habits to understand when your bunnies' bathroom behaviour may be a cause for concern.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior behaviour",
"title":"A visual guide to understanding rabbit behaviour",
"intro":"Some signals your rabbits give you, like binkies or jumping…",
"meta":"Discover Petplan's helpful visual guide to understand rabbit behaviour and learn what their body language may say about their mood. Find out more here.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"Debates Adviceblog",
"title":"The difference between domestic and wild rabbits",
"intro":"Domestic rabbit's come in a variety of breeds, shapes and…",
"meta":"Are domestic rabbits that different from wild rabbits? Petplan takes a look at the difference between wild rabbits and our fluffy family members…",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPet Rehomingblog",
"title":"Why you should rehome a rabbit",
"intro":"Animal welfare charities such as Blue Cross take in hundreds…",
"meta":"Rescue centres are a great place to find a new pet bunny. Petplan looks into the process of adopting a new bunny and what the benefits are…",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"petplan rabbit behaviour",
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPetblog",
"title":"Can you let house rabbits out in the garden?",
"intro":"As the days get longer and the nights get lighter,…",
"meta":"As the days get longer and the nights get lighter, Petplan takes a looks at whether you should let your house rabbit into your garden during the warmer months.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"behaviour rabbits petplan advice",
"categories":"Veterinary problems Adviceblog",
"title":"How To Understand Rabbit Body Language? | Rabbit Care",
"intro":"Rabbits have a complex language.They communicate with each other and…",
"meta":" Rabbits have a complex language. They communicate with each other and with us by using a wide variety of body positions, nibbles, nudges and postures. Unlike cats and dogs, rabbits do not make proper noises to get our attention. By learning the body language of your bunny, you can figure out what they are up to – most of the time! Petplan looks at how you can build an understanding of ‘rabbit talk’ by interpreting their hops, kicks and movements… ",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"Rabbit health rabbit diet",
"title":"Tips On What Your Rabbits Can Eat | Rabbit Care",
"intro":"Despite what Bugs Bunny may have led you to believe,…",
"meta":"Quality rabbit food is much more than the carrots depicted in cartoons. Petplan looks at the healthiest rabbit food you should be feeding your bunny",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"rabbit rabbits",
"categories":"young adult senior health brianFaulknerblog",
"title":"Stories from the surgery: why myxomatosis symptoms and treatments are vital to know about ",
"intro":"Each month Petplan vet Brian Faulkner takes a look at…",
"meta":"Myxomatosis is something all rabbit owners need to be aware of. Petplan vet, Brian Faulkner, takes a look at the causes, symptoms and cures of the virus",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"rabbit Rabbit health",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Keep Your Rabbit Happy Rabbit care guide: How to make sure your rabbit is healthy and happy Healthy | Rabbit Care Guide",
"intro":"A vast majority of people put a great deal of…",
"meta":"Looking after a pet rabbit requires a lot of care and attention. Here are Petplan's top tips on how to keep your rabbit happy and healthy",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"advice Stories from the surgery Parasites",
"title":"Stories from the surgery: why warm weather can mean fleas, ticks, lice and mites for your pet ",
"intro":"Each month Petplan vet Brian Faulkner reveals some of the…",
"meta":"Fleas, ticks, mites and lice are all more common in warm weather. Petplan vet Brian Faulkner reveals how to protect your dog, cat or rabbit from parasites",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"cat dog rabbit pets vaccinations tips health grooming flowers poison plants spring garden",
"categories":"TitBits- news and more Adviceblog",
"title":"Spring in their step",
"intro":"Spring is a glorious time of year, and there's no…",
"meta":"Making sure your pet is safe in the spring is a major concern for many pet owners. Click to see how to keep your cat, dog or rabbit protected outdoors.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"cat dog grooming rabbits dogs wellbeing welfare play games salon love valentines",
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPetblog",
"title":"Spread the love",
"intro":"Roses, hearts and cuddly toys fill shop windows as the…",
"meta":"Make sure your pet feels the love this Valentine’s day with our gifts and date ideas for pets. From grooming to gifts, and even pet owner dating, click now!",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"cat dog pet rabbit cats dogs whiskers",
"categories":"young adult senior youYourPetblog",
"title":"Why does my pet have whiskers?",
"intro":"Pets are intriguing, which is part of the joy of…",
"meta":"Pets are intriguing. Questions about why they do certain things or why they have certain features are lot. Here we investigate the science behind something seemingly so normal.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"petplan charity welfare grant",
"categories":"Petplan featureblog",
"title":"Apply for a grant from the Petplan Charitable Trust!",
"intro":"Animal charities take note: with the closing date of 13…",
"meta":"Animal charities take note: with the closing date of 13 December fast approaching, now’s the time to apply for a grant from the Petplan Charitable Trust.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"cat dog pet kitten rabbit puppy pets behaviour fireworks bonfire night Noise cats rabbits dogs canine scare halloween autumn",
"title":"Scary season: what spooks your pet?",
"intro":"Whether it's things that go bump in the night or…",
"meta":"Fireworks, trick or treating and the autumnal weather can cause a change of behaviour in our pets. Click for tips on handling the scary season.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"diet petplan rabbit pets behaviour home bunny rabbits welfare bunnies house indoor indoors",
"categories":"PetPeople magazine archiveblog",
"title":"Is it sensible to keep rabbits indoors?",
"intro":"The answer is yes, providing you take the right precautions.…",
"meta":"Petplan's Kim Sullivan investigates if keeping rabbits indoors is sensible. Read our guide on what to expect and what to do before you get one!",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"cat dog pet rabbit puppy pets RSPCA cats dogs battersea apps iphone ipad ipod android Google Play",
"categories":"TitBits- news and moreblog",
"title":"Top 10 best free pet apps",
"intro":"Do you own a smartphone or tablet? Then check out…",
"meta":"Petplan presents top 10 best free pet apps of the moment! If you ever wished you could talk or listen to your pet, then wish no more: there’s an app!",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"cat dog pet kitten petplan rabbit puppy pets dog training teeth tips health cats rabbits dogs canine feline",
"categories":"PetPeople magazine archiveblog",
"title":"Brushing your pet's teeth – what to remember",
"intro":"Good dental health contributes to the long-term wellbeing of your…",
"meta":"Good dental health contributes to the long-term wellbeing of your dog, cat or rabbit. Vet Alison Logan explains what to bear in mind when brushing your pet’s teeth. ",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"diet rabbit eating behaviour exercise water tips health rabbits winter outdoors hutch guinea pigs warm freezing dry safe",
"categories":"Veterinary problems PetPeople magazine archive Diet Adviceblog",
"title":"Preparing your rabbit for winter",
"intro":"Wild rabbits huddle underground to share body heat in winter,…",
"meta":"Wild rabbits huddle underground to share body heat in winter, but pet rabbits needs to be taken care of. Karen Cornish share 10 tips on how to keep pet rabbits safe.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"cat pet diet dog rabbit eating vomiting pet insurance puppy food poo toileting obesity dehydration tips treats weight gain fat intolerance stomach",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Weight gain and upset tummies – what to do",
"intro":"Eating unusual foods or too many treats can be harmful…",
"meta":"Eating too many treats can be harmful to your pet. Vet and writer Alison Logan explains what to do if your pet has gained weight or is suffering from an upset tummy.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"pet rabbit behaviour food exercise tips health rabbits",
"categories":"Veterinary problems Behaviour problems TitBits- news and more Diet Adviceblog",
"title":"Make yours a happy bunny",
"intro":"Three in four of the UK’s two million pet rabbits…",
"meta":"Three in four of the UK’s two million pet rabbits are poorly cared for, according to RSPCA report. Vets and rabbit specialists provide advice on how to keep your bunny happy.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"pet rabbit breed children bunny family cute cuddly netherland dwarf",
"categories":"TitBits- news and moreblog",
"title":"Things To Know About Netherland Dwarf Rabbit",
"intro":"Small, cute and docile, this bunny makes the ideal pet…",
"meta":"Netherland Dwarf rabbit, makes the ideal pet for both adults and children. Here’s everything you need to know about this bunny, one of the most popular and show breeds.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"cat dog rabbit pet relationships behaviour emotions",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Do pets really have emotions? ",
"intro":"It's hard to tell how our pets are feeling. Do…",
"meta":"It's hard to tell how our pets are feeling. Do they feel emotions as complex as ours? Or are we overly attentive to how they feel? Deirdre Vine investigates. From the new issue of PetPeople magazine",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"cat dog rabbit infections teeth skin smell fur ear infection bad breath flyblown cat bite abscess",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Does your pet smell? Here's what to do",
"intro":"If your pet smells bad, you need to identify the…",
"meta":"Get top tips from PetPeople magazine vet Alison Logan on why your pet smells bad, how to identify the source of the odour and what to do to sort it out.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"cat dog rabbit pets health",
"categories":"Veterinary problemsblog",
"title":"The quick checks that could save your pet's life",
"intro":"Examining your pet regularly can help you to nip common…",
"meta":"Examining your pet regularly can help you to nip common ailments in the bud before they become more serious. Vet Brian Faulkner outlines the essential steps of a quick check-up.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"diet rabbit",
"categories":"Veterinary problems Dietblog",
"title":"Diet: are you feeding your rabbits the right way? Read this to be absolutely sure",
"intro":"With digestive system disorders so common in rabbits, it's important…",
"meta":"With digestive system disorders so common in rabbits, it's important to feed them the right diet. Here are vet Alison Logan's essential recommendationsGrass - but make him work for itLetting your rabbit graze on your lawn not only provides him with nutrition, but also mental stimulation and exercise. No rabbit should spend all his time in a hutch. Do not, however, be tempted to feed grass mowings, which may have started to ferment.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"cat dog diet rabbit eating food pet food",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Can't eat, won't eat? Why your pet may be off its food",
"intro":"Julie Hunt reports on what steps to take when your…",
"meta":"Julie Hunt reports on what steps to take when your beloved pet starts refusing its food. ",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"water hydration dehydration",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Hydration: what every pet owner should know",
"intro":"Water is vital to your pet's health, so it's important…",
"meta":"Is your pet dehydrated? Discover the problems with your pet not drinking enough water and what other signs should you, as a pet owner need to look out for.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"rabbit eating obesity feeding",
"title":"Is my rabbit eating too much?",
"intro":"Q: My rabbit is looking a wee bit chubby. I…",
"meta":"Petplan explains how to ensure that your rabbit isn't eating too much, to preventing over feeding and obesity.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"rabbit toilet training toileting",
"categories":"young adult senior behaviourblog",
"title":"Why your pet rabbit may stop using the litter tray",
"intro":"Q: My three-year-old dwarf lop house rabbit was perfectly house…",
"meta":"My dwarf lop house rabbit was perfectly house trained and used his litter trays with no any accidents' until he went into a rabbit boarding hotel. ",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"rabbit winter outdoors outside hutch",
"categories":"Veterinary problemsblog",
"title":"Can I leave a rabbit outdoors over winter?",
"intro":"Q: I usually bring my rabbits indoors around the end…",
"meta":"Petplan looks at ways to help your rabbit outdoors during Winter.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"cat dog pet pet relationships allergy allergies",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"How to make your pet allergy a thing of the past",
"intro":"Your new pet has arrived and is just starting to…",
"meta":"Are you allergic to your pet? Petplan examines the options for people allergic to their pets. From the PetPeople magazine archive.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"cat dog pet diet weight loss",
"categories":"young adult senior healthblog",
"title":"Six simple steps to a balanced diet ",
"intro":"A balanced diet is essential for good health and an…",
"meta":"A balanced diet is essential for good health and an energetic pet. But what exactly is meant by a balanced diet?",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"pet insurance insurance claims",
"categories":"TitBits- news and moreblog",
"title":"Making a claim with Petplan: it's easy",
"intro":"Should the worst happen and you need to make a…",
"meta":"Should you need to claim against your Petplan policy, we'll do everything we can to settle your claim quickly and with minimal fuss.",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"pet diet handling",
"categories":"young adult senior behaviourblog",
"title":"How to control your food-aggressive rabbit",
"intro":"Q: My rabbit is becoming very food-aggressive. Can you give…",
"meta":"My rabbit is becoming very food-aggressive. Can you give me some advice on how to handle him? ",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""
"tags":"fleas flea treatment rabbits",
"categories":"Veterinary problemsblog",
"title":" Are your pets passing fleas? ",
"intro":"Q: My rabbit has fleas. Could she have caught them…",
"meta":"Petplan explains how it is possible for your rabbit to catch fleas from another pet. ",
"listingcustombuttontext": ""