From puppyhood to old age, it’s always good to be aware of the common issues and conditions that could occur during your Beagle's life.

With 45 years of pet health experience under our collar, we’re here to help you get your pet the very best care over their entire lifetime. From pup to pensioner, pet insurance is key to keeping your pet healthy and happy. Discover some of the most common health issues we see in Beagles throughout their life.

General information

We’ve analysed our data to see what claims we receive most regularly for Beagles.
Here are some of the key insights:


The top five claims among Beagles are for tumours, skin disease, lameness, ear problems and poisoning.


One in ten Beagle claims will be as a result of tumours.


Beagle claims are twice as likely to be due to poisoning when compared to other dog breeds.

Claims by Beagle age

Claims can occur in every breed of dog, at any age!

You might be surprised to know that on average, in 2019, we paid over £6,000 per week in Beagle puppy claims.

In the same year, we paid £2,457,751 in claims for middle-aged and senior Beagles.

Common claim conditions

Here are some of the most common claims we receive for Beagle at each age:

Poisoning and gastrointestinal conditions
Poisoning and vomiting are the two most common claims respectively among Beagle puppies. Around one in seven Beagle puppy claims will be for one of these.
Beagle puppies are around half as likely to claim for lameness compared to other dog breeds.
Neurological disorders
Beagle puppies are over six times more likely to claim for neurological disorders than the general puppy population.
Poisoning and vomiting are the two most common claims respectively among Beagle puppies. Around one in seven Beagle puppy claims will be for one of these.

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